Dieters - How To Have Your Cake And Lose Weight Too
It is time to rethink the old notion that dieting means sacrifice.
By strategically adding a Cheat Meal to your weekly diet you can literally have your cake and lose weight too.
In fact, thanks to your fat-burning hormones the cake might actually help speed up your fat loss.
Here is how to do it...
If you have ever been on a diet you have probably noticed that weight loss slows the longer you are dieting and cutting calories.
This is partly due to the fact that some "water weight" is lost in the early stages of dieting, but it is also because your body puts the brakes on fat-burning hormones as you feed your body fewer calories.
One very important fat-burning hormone that works against your diet is leptin.
When levels of leptin are high in your body this hormone allows your body to burn fat efficiently and it also controls your cravings leaving your feeling happy and satisfied.
However, when you diet leptin levels plummet.
This is why fat burning slows after a week or two of dieting.
You diet hard and restrict your calorie intake and your body sends up a distress signal and halts production of leptin so your body stops burning fat and does not starve to death.
To add insult to injury the decrease in leptin causes unbearable cravings to try to get you to eat.
This leptin drop is so strong that studies have shown that leptin levels can decrease to half after one week of dieting.
That means after a week of "being good" and sticking to your diet, your body is only burning fat at one half of its original ability.
So how do you keep leptin levels high while dieting? The answer is to overeat one meal a week using a Cheat Meal.
This one meal that should be high in both carbohydrates and fats is enough to give your body the green light that everything is okay and it can start producing leptin again.
After this one meal your body's fat burning potential is restored and cravings vanish.
A Cheat Meal will result in some weight gain, but most of this is from water retention.
The meal contains carbohydrates and each gram of carbohydrate that you eat will cause you to retain three grams of water.
This is not permanent fat, and because you go right back on your diet following the Cheat Meal your body quickly sheds this water weight and by the end of the week you have a net weight loss.
By strategically adding a Cheat Meal to your weekly diet you can literally have your cake and lose weight too.
In fact, thanks to your fat-burning hormones the cake might actually help speed up your fat loss.
Here is how to do it...
If you have ever been on a diet you have probably noticed that weight loss slows the longer you are dieting and cutting calories.
This is partly due to the fact that some "water weight" is lost in the early stages of dieting, but it is also because your body puts the brakes on fat-burning hormones as you feed your body fewer calories.
One very important fat-burning hormone that works against your diet is leptin.
When levels of leptin are high in your body this hormone allows your body to burn fat efficiently and it also controls your cravings leaving your feeling happy and satisfied.
However, when you diet leptin levels plummet.
This is why fat burning slows after a week or two of dieting.
You diet hard and restrict your calorie intake and your body sends up a distress signal and halts production of leptin so your body stops burning fat and does not starve to death.
To add insult to injury the decrease in leptin causes unbearable cravings to try to get you to eat.
This leptin drop is so strong that studies have shown that leptin levels can decrease to half after one week of dieting.
That means after a week of "being good" and sticking to your diet, your body is only burning fat at one half of its original ability.
So how do you keep leptin levels high while dieting? The answer is to overeat one meal a week using a Cheat Meal.
This one meal that should be high in both carbohydrates and fats is enough to give your body the green light that everything is okay and it can start producing leptin again.
After this one meal your body's fat burning potential is restored and cravings vanish.
A Cheat Meal will result in some weight gain, but most of this is from water retention.
The meal contains carbohydrates and each gram of carbohydrate that you eat will cause you to retain three grams of water.
This is not permanent fat, and because you go right back on your diet following the Cheat Meal your body quickly sheds this water weight and by the end of the week you have a net weight loss.