Home & Garden Architecture

How to Adjust a Storm Door Opener

    • 1). Open the storm door door 6-inches and engage the hold open washer. Slide the washer from the end of the closer piston to the back end of the closer.

    • 2). Grab the body of the closer with one hand and pull it toward the connecting pin. The connecting pin connects the front of the door closer to the door mounting bracket. Pull the pin out with your free hand.

    • 3). Move the front end of the closer to the next available hole on the door mounting bracket and insert the pin. Release the hold open washer and test the door operation.

    • 4). Rotate the adjustment screw on the end of the closer clockwise with a Phillips-head screwdriver to make the door close slower. Turn the adjustment screw counterclockwise to allow the door to close quicker.

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