Health & Medical Hypertension

Common Hypertension Medication Side Effects - Part 1

High blood pressure is a serious illness.
Fundamentally it is an illness that can not be cured yet it affects millions of people world wide.
The only time when there is a chance for cure is when the class of high blood pressure is called secondary hypertension.
This is high blood pressure particularly brought about as a result of an underlying medical condition such as kidney disease or diabetes.
This particular and relatively rare case, affects only 5 to 10 percent of all hypertension sufferers.
Since essential hypertension can not be cured, the best doctors can achieve is management and control of the condition to prevent it from reaching its end-points which include heart attack, heart failure, stroke and even blindness.
This control and management of high blood pressure is achieved through various methods particularly pharmacological drugs in cases were a patient's blood pressure is too high and need to be first stabilized relatively quickly.
For some people pharmacological anti-hypertensive medications are not for the faint hearted.
They come with a great cost to pay in terms of accompanying side effects.
For this reason, many people risk exposing themselves to resistant hypertension by absconding on medication regimen without ever informing their doctor for fear of side effects.
Almost all the seven currently available medications contain some side effects in one way or the other.
The following are some of the hypertension drugs and their accompanying warnings and side effects.
Diuretics Also known as water pills diuretics are a common pharmacological drug used to treat hypertension.
They essentially work by actively ridding the body particularly the bloodstream of excess fluids that increase blood volume leading to high blood pressure.
Diuretics are the doctor's first line of treatment arsenal.
In as much as they are known to generally work effectively with great results they also have some known side effects.
To begin with water pills cause the patient to visit the restroom repeatedly.
This becomes extremely burdensome especially an bed time.
For this reason some patients abscond evening doses for fear of constantly visiting the rest room disturbing one's sleep.
Doctors generally can schedule medication to be taken during the day and early evening to reduce the bedtime inconvenience of visiting the bathroom.
Diuretics are also known to cause dizziness, headache, thirst, muscle cramps due to loss of potassium through urination and upset stomach.
Individuals with kidney or liver problems, pregnant women and the elderly are encouraged to speak to their doctor before using diuretics.
This also includes people with urination challenges.
The increased urination may result in serious discomfort.
Particular signs will warrant immediate doctor alert.
these signs include severe rush, problems breathing or swallowing and gout known medically as hyperruricemia.
ACE Inhibitors Used by millions of patients world wide, ACE Inhibitors are as popular as diuretics.
They are not suitable for people with kidney disease or liver problems.
This will also include individuals with diabetes and heart problems.
People already on diuretics will need doctor approval before starting on ACE Inhibitors.
It is however common for ACE inhibitors and diuretics to be prescribed together as a combo only after doctor examination and guidance.
Common side effects of ACE Inhibitors will include coughing, fast heart beat, headache, feeling tired and sleeping problems.
Patients using this particular drug should contact the doctor at once should they feel any chest pains, problems breathing and swallowing as well as swelling in the face, eyes, tongue and legs.

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