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Only Remember Two Things For A Six Pack

The six pack abs achievement is something that everyone wants, but very few people actually ever attain. Why is it like that? Well, it's really hard! To get a great stomach, it requires a lot of energy and discipline. Most people just get frustrated and give up on them after a few months of trying. The way to get around this, is to actually know exactly what to do, so you stay on good track and see progress. Getting six pack abs pretty much boils down to two main points. If you follow these points, I can promise that terrific, eye-catching abs are only 2 months away!

What you're putting into your body is the number one thing to watch for. In fact, I think that your diet actually trumps the second point, that being regular ab and cardio exercise. There is always a lot of confusion about what exactly to eat and what not to eat, and it can be the deal-breaker for your abs. So, what kind of diet do you need to follow to get good abs? It's not rocket science, I'll say that. It's pretty much common sense. You need to eat very healthy, and keep your intake of carbs and fat to a minimum. When I say eat healthy I mean you need to have at least 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies everyday. Stick with leafy green vegetabls high in fiber and other nutrients. For your protein in your meals, you want to have lean meats, like turkey, chicken and fish. Do not eat a lot of red meat, as that has a higher fat content. Another good source of lean protein is eggs (without the yolk). If you're finding that you're having trouble getting enough protein each day, you can take some protein supplements. They're pretty cheap and all you do is mix some powder into a drink or eat a bar, pretty easy.

If you keep your diet low in fat, you are going to lose fat from your midsection (when you're exercising regularly) and that is what gets you the six pack. Everyone has the muscles there, it's just that most people have too much fat covering them up.

The next guideline is to get regular cardio and ab workouts into your schedule each week, around 3 times a week is good. This way, you are getting your heart rate up and burning calories. Don't think you have to spend a ton of time on abs exercises; two to three different exercises are good enough for your abs. Consistency is the important thing, as they must be performed on a regular basis to stay strong and lean.

Follow these two guidelines and you will be well on your way to a great stomach that turns heads!

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