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Super Affiliate Niche Marketing Tactics - Moving From Zero To Online Hero!

Getting started as a dot-com entrepreneur or affiliate marketer TODAY has become so EASY.
But it's also NOT as easy as it seems or looks for those who are NOT aware of the affiliate secrets and tactics blueprint.
There are more INSIDER tactics you can use, but start with these and use other tactics ASAP.
Please, join me as I proceed in this article to unveil to YOU the first 6 affiliate secrets tactics for moving from zero to hero in record time - RIGHT NOW! Affiliate Secrets Tactic #1: Niche Market & Product Selection Selecting the best affiliate product or service is a real breeze.
Just type "top free affiliate marketing programs" or "top affiliate networks" in the search box of your Search Engine and you'll get TONS of Web sites and merchants offering products that fill or meet a NEED.
Some offer free affiliate marketing blogs/Web sites and some don't.
In any event, you'll get to have access to your affiliate links, solo ads, classified ads and more when you eventually SIGN UP! But make sure a generous commission of between 40 to 75% is on offer - in addition to making sure that you buy the product so that you can give an honest recommendation to your target audience.
An example could be digital information products like eBooks or DVD-ROMs on "How To Generate an Avalanche of Blog and Web site Traffic.
" You'll read more of that in Tactic #2.
Affiliate Secrets Tactic #2: Buy And Use The Product Nicolas Cage, a "method actor," once ate a LIVE cockroach in a 1989 film called "Vampire's Kiss.
" "...
Ahhh!" Did I just hear YOU say - "Ahhh?!" Well, Nicolas had earlier won an Oscar award in the Best Actor category - he was passionate about his acting.
Passion speaks volumes - and the "roach-eating" scene looked very convincing as well.
This is what is known as "Method Acting" - or in my own words, the "IMMERSION technique.
":-) So, it is very important for YOU to BUY and USE the products and services (immersion technique) you are promoting as an affiliate marketer which in addition must FILL a NEED or add value, so that an honest review of the strengths and weaknesses can be relayed to your potential customers to build trust.
I encourage YOU to also develop a consistent passion," - i.
, use your product so that a deluge of traffic and customers will come flooding your Web sites and niche marketing blogs on your way to becoming a Super Affiliate Marketer, making a monthly income of $10,000 and above! Affiliate Secrets Tactic #3: Responsible Email Marketing The use of autoresponder accounts like Getresponse or AWeber by YOU to send solo ad messages and offers to your opt-in list is the GOLDEN KEY to success online and even offline! But FIRST, you have to give away something of perceived high value to your prospective opt-in subscribers that have been sent to a special Web page called a "squeeze page" - like free rebrandable eBooks, eZines, and newsletters, etc.
This will be easy to do as some affiliate programs provide downloadable materials which you can offer in exchange for your target audiences emails for follow-ups.
Remember, responsible email marketing means NO spamming or sending of unsolicited emails to potential clients.
An offender could get penalized by the merchant or company he/she is affiliated to.
Affiliate Cash Secrets Tactic #4: Ezine Advertising...
And More One of the best forms of advertising that you will be using to get up to speed in your affiliate battle plan is the use of the different forms of eZine advertising.
Many SUPER affiliate marketing and Internet marketing entrepreneurs have recorded huge successes with these.
But there are secret weapons that you have to use to unleash the power of this form of advertising - YOU need to TRACK and MEASURE your ad campaigns! Fortunately, there are free and paid for ad tracking programs online.
Some affiliates and Internet marketers have also found the use article writing to be of benefit in advertising.
The ONLY snag is the inability to sometimes generate IDEAS as a result of the Writer's Block, but, I have also written an article that you can use to eliminate or manage this challenge - titled: The Writer's Block Bunker-Busting Tactics Unleashed! - Laser-Guided TFA & R System - Parts 1 and 2 You'll also find some other great Writer's block resources offline and online if you are savvy enough.
Affiliate Secrets Tactic #5: Highly-Targeted Niche Audience Driving a constant highly-targeted traffic to your affiliate sites is the ONLY way to continue to build your mailing list and offer your products in order to generate MORE SALES and REPEAT SALES.
It would be useless to try to generate your Web traffic by placing your online business or online marketing products and services sales offers in front of an audience of ONLY general dog and/or dog food enthusiasts.
Instead, use industry specific publications - offline and online to reach your profitable niche market or audience of online buyers and potential clients.
Affiliate Secrets Tactic #6: Signature Lines Your signature lines which will include your Web links and product description can be written in any style - but must not exceed 6 lines for brevity sake.
Use POSITIVE POWER words in the sig lines as well, i.
, Power, Love, Benefit, etc.
Use your sig lines in discussion forums, outgoing emails, your business cards and other creative strategies that might occur to you.
Closing Thoughts: These 6 tactics - starting FIRST with product selection and usage, then, your opt-in list building or email marketing with autoresponder accounts are the immediate KEYS to unlocking the affiliate cash secrets door in order to release an avalanche of highly-targeted Web and blog traffic (derived from profitable niche markets), repeat customers...
and cash in your bank accounts! These are just some of the tactics that I use and there are more top tactics you can use.
Start with these and use other tactics as well.
So, get into your FRONT position NOW!

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