Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Folsom Heating

Folsom, California is an attractive small city hidden in northeastern Sacramento County surrounded by Folsom Lake on the north side. Even though Folsom was founded in the midst of the Gold Rush, the housing boom didn't happen until corporations such as Intel and Aerojet moved into Folsom.

It is time, for many of these homes, to have their heating systems updated. A modern heating system is far more efficient than a furnace that is a decade old. Residents of Folsom are fortunate to have three things to support the heat in their homes which are natural gas in many homes, a lot of sunny days to use for making solar energy, and involvement with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District that offers better electric rates than other utilities have. But, overall energy costs are predicted to rise dramatically with new laws on "carbon cap and trade."

Although a lot of people burn wood in furnaces as a supplementary form of heat, this isn't so practical anymore. Although Folsom still has plenty of open ground and appearances to be the country, it is still part of Sacramento County which has restrictions for air quality standards that make it illegal to burn wood on certain days. Before lighting a fire, people must check to see if the Air Quality Management District has made it a spare air day. People who are in violation are given a fine, unless they are exempt because the only way they can heat their house is with wood. There are not many houses within Folsom that can get this exemption.

To prepare for winter, the homeowner should obtain an inspection and tune up of their current heating system in the fall. This will make sure the unit is working properly and is running as efficiently as possible. If it is not a modern unit, it might be best to replace it instead of trying to fix it. The recent heating systems have a very good standard of quality, and it can be worth the cost for homeowners to use them as a replacement if they intend to remain in their home for several years. There are available federal tax credits up to $15,000 throughout 2010 for 30% of the cost for getting a unit that is more efficient. In a few instances, state or local utility company rebates might be used as well. This may reduce the total price you would pay for a quality machine.

Solar power is the best way to save money. There have been significant advances within solar technology. A photovoltaic apparatus will provide energy for all electrical requirements, not just for water heat like the first solar systems offered. The unit is connected to the power grid to offset those periods that require additional energy or generate more than is needed. Eligible units can receive a federal tax credit of 30% of cost with no cap.

Homeowners should pick a good Folsom heating company that is skilled in all types of home heating systems, even if they are just coming to do a tune up for the first time. An expert representative would consider what the homeowner needs and the various options that are appropriate for the home's unique conditions. Moreover, the best businesses offer assistance to homeowners seeking eligibility for any federal incentives that apply.

So if it is possible, you will want to pay to repair your heating system, or if you own an older system and you expect to live in your home for awhile longer, this provides good reasons why the current Folsom heating choices available now and the tax credits that may apply make it a good time to upgrade your system.

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