Mantaining The Inner Calmness
Mantaining The Inner Calmness
Amidst intense activities we should never loose our inner calmness.
We should face all the challenges remaining calm and equipoised.
The calmness of mind will give us greater strength.
We will be able to walk on the path of life with courage and confidence.
Calmness will invigorate our nerves and we will remain always happy and contented.
We will be able to have a mastery over all our thoughts and will always feel happy and contented.
We will face all the situations of life and come out alive and afresh.
We will work more with perfection and beauty and will never feel tired and dejected.
Remaining calm we will develop a greater degree of understanding within ourselves.
Understanding the things and beings in a better manner we will derive their essence.
We will be able to manage better and derive maximum benefits from all the circumstances.
We will enjoy the drill of thoughts in our mental institution and work with zeal and zest.
For developing calmness we should enjoy the beauties of the existence.
Merging in the beauty of the nature we should find formulas of success.
Becoming creative and self directed we will feel within us all calmness.
With a meditative contemplation of the mind we will find in us a greater happiness.
Pratcing meditation in life we will be able to forget all our agitations and remain contented.
Observing the thoughts from moment to moment we should try to overcome our inner worriness.
Introspeting the thoughts we should replace the troubled ones with those of powers and strength.
Calming down all the thoughts we should march toward peace,progress and happiness.
Thought by thought,action by action and knowledge by knowledge we should develop ourselves.
We should remain serene,calm and still in our work place.
Nothing should be able to obstruct us from the path of peace and progress.
We should serve all and love all putting our hearts and souls in all our work processes.
Disturbances come from both inside and outside and become hindrances in our life processes.
We should first target the internal disturbances and overcoming those we will be able to have control over the outer circumstances.
Let the disturbances come and go but we should remain calm and erect.
Disturbances will loose their powers if on the Lord we develop a strong faith.
In all the circumstances of life we should treat faith as the most valuable instrument.
If we believe that we can over come all the challenges then definitely we will come closer to success.
Having a strong faith in our brain,body and mind we should play successfully with all the waves.
We will be blessed by the Lord if we develop a greater degree of patience within ourselves.
Going to the lives of the great men we can know that all the time patience is rewarded.
So we should never loose patience and diping it in various colors of the existence we should work with zeal and zest.
We should never be anxious in our lives even for a single moment.
Anxiety will harm us in many ways and like poison we should reject it if we want to live in peace and happiness.
Looking to the setting sun and the returning birds we should dance with the beauties of the existence.
We should learn the calm attitude from all the things of the universe and wear in our mind that beautiful ornament.
Calmer we are and less disturbed our nerves more shall we work and better our works will be and we will be able to beautify all the life processes.
Creating a calm atmosphere in our surroundings within that beautifully we will rest.
Under the stars filled sky with the full moon and the stars we can sense the universal calmness.
That is the most opportune moment to introspect all our thoughts,words and deeds of the day.
By proper introspection we will be more refined and perfectly carry out all our work processes.
We will make our lives' songs sweeter and motivating merging in the night's silence.
Remaining in a calm complex consisting of body,mind and intellect in every dawn we will visualize success.
Each dawn will be brighter in our life and we will feel strongly motivated.
Always bearing a calm attitude we will work with zeal and zest till our last breath.
We will serve better our family,organization and society imparting love,smiles,peace and harmony in the global village.
Amidst intense activities we should never loose our inner calmness.
We should face all the challenges remaining calm and equipoised.
The calmness of mind will give us greater strength.
We will be able to walk on the path of life with courage and confidence.
Calmness will invigorate our nerves and we will remain always happy and contented.
We will be able to have a mastery over all our thoughts and will always feel happy and contented.
We will face all the situations of life and come out alive and afresh.
We will work more with perfection and beauty and will never feel tired and dejected.
Remaining calm we will develop a greater degree of understanding within ourselves.
Understanding the things and beings in a better manner we will derive their essence.
We will be able to manage better and derive maximum benefits from all the circumstances.
We will enjoy the drill of thoughts in our mental institution and work with zeal and zest.
For developing calmness we should enjoy the beauties of the existence.
Merging in the beauty of the nature we should find formulas of success.
Becoming creative and self directed we will feel within us all calmness.
With a meditative contemplation of the mind we will find in us a greater happiness.
Pratcing meditation in life we will be able to forget all our agitations and remain contented.
Observing the thoughts from moment to moment we should try to overcome our inner worriness.
Introspeting the thoughts we should replace the troubled ones with those of powers and strength.
Calming down all the thoughts we should march toward peace,progress and happiness.
Thought by thought,action by action and knowledge by knowledge we should develop ourselves.
We should remain serene,calm and still in our work place.
Nothing should be able to obstruct us from the path of peace and progress.
We should serve all and love all putting our hearts and souls in all our work processes.
Disturbances come from both inside and outside and become hindrances in our life processes.
We should first target the internal disturbances and overcoming those we will be able to have control over the outer circumstances.
Let the disturbances come and go but we should remain calm and erect.
Disturbances will loose their powers if on the Lord we develop a strong faith.
In all the circumstances of life we should treat faith as the most valuable instrument.
If we believe that we can over come all the challenges then definitely we will come closer to success.
Having a strong faith in our brain,body and mind we should play successfully with all the waves.
We will be blessed by the Lord if we develop a greater degree of patience within ourselves.
Going to the lives of the great men we can know that all the time patience is rewarded.
So we should never loose patience and diping it in various colors of the existence we should work with zeal and zest.
We should never be anxious in our lives even for a single moment.
Anxiety will harm us in many ways and like poison we should reject it if we want to live in peace and happiness.
Looking to the setting sun and the returning birds we should dance with the beauties of the existence.
We should learn the calm attitude from all the things of the universe and wear in our mind that beautiful ornament.
Calmer we are and less disturbed our nerves more shall we work and better our works will be and we will be able to beautify all the life processes.
Creating a calm atmosphere in our surroundings within that beautifully we will rest.
Under the stars filled sky with the full moon and the stars we can sense the universal calmness.
That is the most opportune moment to introspect all our thoughts,words and deeds of the day.
By proper introspection we will be more refined and perfectly carry out all our work processes.
We will make our lives' songs sweeter and motivating merging in the night's silence.
Remaining in a calm complex consisting of body,mind and intellect in every dawn we will visualize success.
Each dawn will be brighter in our life and we will feel strongly motivated.
Always bearing a calm attitude we will work with zeal and zest till our last breath.
We will serve better our family,organization and society imparting love,smiles,peace and harmony in the global village.