Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Taking Care of a Dog After Spaying

    Picking Your Pet Up After Surgery

    • Spaying is a simple procedure, yet still a major surgery which may require an overnight stay at the animal hospital. When it is time to pick up the dog from the vet, take a blanket, towel or quilt to help cushion her for the ride home. Depending on her size, she may need assistance getting into the vehicle as she will probably still be groggy and unsteady on her feet. Keep the drive home as quiet and comfortable as possible with extra care in turning, curves and avoid sudden stops or starts.

    Home Care After Spaying

    • After arriving home, dogs that have been spayed need to be contained for at least seven to ten days. This can either be indoors, in a garage, lot or fenced in area. Preferably where the dog can rest and be free from stimulation of children or other animals. Indoors is excellent because the dog's eating, drinking, and surgical site can be monitored more easily. Additionally, dogs recovering from surgery should be allowed time to recover in a comfortable environment void of extreme cold or heat.

    Food and Water

    • Plenty of fresh water should be available at all times. One-fourth of the normal amount of food can be offered, however, the first day she will want only to rest in a quiet place with the love and support of her owner. Each day her appetite should increase and more may be offered at that time. It is important not to over-feed. Even if she feels like eating the medicines used to sedate her for surgery may not interact well with food immediately after returning home. Therefore, stick with small portions for the first day or so. If she does not return to eating and drinking normally within a day or two after surgery, contact the animal hospital.


    • Keep the dog's activity to a minimum for the first seven to ten days. Avoid any forms of over-stimulation that could cause her to become upset or unnecessarily excited. Some dogs bounce back after surgery and seem ready to return to their normal routine after a day, while others take longer. The primary reason to limit activity is to allow the surgery site to heal properly.


    • A dog that has been spayed has undergone major surgery and will undoubtedly feel pain resulting from the surgery. Keep children and other pets away from the dog during the first few days of recovery to prevent possible aggressive behavior. Additionally, any signs of tearing, opening, or bleeding from the surgery area should be reported immediately to the veterinarian.

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