Technology Mobile-Cell-Phone

Mobile Game Testing: The Next Generation Job for Youngsters

Mobiles, cellphones and smartphones-you can call them anything you like, but needless to say they have become a very integral part of your life now. You cannot imagine life without your cellphone! Whether you are clicking pictures or are simply texting your friends or playing some game, mobile phones have seeped into the clockwork of your life and have become the most common way to keep yourself entertained.

In the realm of mobile phone games, there have been a lot of changes taking place. Every day new products are being developed, new apps being made. But for a mobile phone games to be the best in the market, they have to be tested in the best possible ways. Mobile Game Testing is in fact a niche area and it's an upcoming field now. A lot of people are going into this field because not only is it enjoyable but it is also an area where the money is aplenty and pretty good.
First of all, every mobile game testing is different. There are a few types of Mobile Game QA which are to be followed to see whether the game is working fine and without any glitches. Here are the different types of testing:
1. Functional Testing: This is the most common type of mobile game testing. This in simple terms means playing the game from starting to the end and in the end find out what are the problems that the game might give. It is also necessary to check out these mistakes and glitches and let the developer know so that these can be fixed before the game is released.

2. Localization Testing: This is a special type of testing where special attention is paid to the fact that the game's dialogue and text are properly translated and aligned. Also, it is important to check whether the language of a particular country is available where the game is to be released in. The game tester will thus require knowing a few different languages.
3. Soak Testing: Soak testing is also known as the lazy man's testing. In this type of testing, the game is left on for a long period of time. The key is the fact that there is no interaction with the game and it is left on to see whether there are any loopholes or memory leaks.

4. Ad-Hoc Testing: This is a type of testing which will not follow any set of rules. Usually when a game releases in the market, the players would not know the rules of the game and would play as they would like. Here too, the testing would require an amateur to play the game without knowing any of the rules. As such there would be no documents to foresee whether anything will occur or not. This gives the testers an idea of what would happen if the game were to encounter such a scenario. Thus, this type of testing gives a non-confirmative view and helps the developers to find serious glitches.

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