Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Are You Installing A Shade Sail?

For some people a shade sail seems like a quick and cheap way to get some relief from Perths relentless baking sun. But as many people find out the hard way, you cant just hang them anywhere or more to the point to anything! A shade sail is like as its name suggests a sail and in the wind acts just like a sail on a yacht, thus putting enormous stress onto whatever it is attached to.
A professional and good looking shade sail is stretched to a high tension so as to minimise flapping and waving which prevents rapid wear and deterioration of the cloth and its fixtures. This tension means that the standard shade house shade cloth wont do the job. A good looking shade sail requires a shade cloth specifically designed for shade sails and tension structures. Shade sails are also predominantly outdoor structures meaning they are left exposed to the sun, wind, salt and rain, so what the shade sail and its components are constructed of is also a major consideration. The sails cloth, stitching, its fittings and fixtures must be able to stand up to the constant barrage of all the elements or else you wont have shade for very long. Then theres what you attach it to? Poorly installed shade sails have bent posts, pulled posts over, pulled brick walls over, pulled limestone blocks out of walls, pulled patios away from roofs and even moved roofs on their brick plate.
There are also depending on where you live specific engineering requirements for the installation of shade sails and your local shire council building department will require these to be met before granting a building approval. Yes thats right! You need a building approval before you can install a shade sail, most local shires are happy to let you know what the local requirements are free of charge. If you dont adhere to these engineering standards you may compromise your home and contents insurance, there are now also real estate laws about disclosure of any amendments to a property prior to the sale of your property. Other local council regulations take into consideration your neighbours, if you havent got a building license and your neighbour makes a complaint to council, they will most likely issue a destruction order meaning they will destroy your new structure at your cost.
Does it now seem like too much to bother with? Its not really. Shade sails are still less expensive than a tacky flat roofed patio and look sensational when done properly.
My advice is to consult with the experts, people who know what they are talking about and that they are not just a sales person trying to make a sale. Pardon the pun! If you are intent on doing most of the work yourself then get professional advice before you start and do the job right the first time. Dont cut corners, dont skimp on accessories and make sure you get the right advice.

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