Society & Culture & Entertainment Photography

Looking For Digital Photography Software?

Twenty years ago our images were stored as photographs and negatives but due to technology there is now a need for storage systems for all of our digital photography.
Software can help you resolve this issue giving you the ability to both store and easily retrieve your images for the moments you need them.
With no film or developing costs, the amount of digital photographs and images generated nowadays has reached an epic level.
While some professionals and amateurs use CDs and DVDs or similar to store their photos they can easily become damaged or worse fully corrupted, leaving you with your work completely lost and therefore those moments in time gone forever.
Storing your images online allows you to load them up once and then have them on tap either for your own use or to send out to clients or providers.
You can send a link to an image for a client to directly download it, or group particular photos and images together to send them, saving time and bandwidth from the other alternatives of emailing or sending via FTP.
If you select the correct type of software then the images are as secure as you wish them to be - and can only be accessed by someone you've given authority to view.
This could be members of your team or individual clients.
Digital photography software needs to be easy to use, not only just at the uploading stage but also at the storage and retrieval stages too.
Each part of the process should be as accessible or private as you prefer.
If your business needs to provide high resolution images to the press, media or to printers, these can all be stored in that form online.
Once an image is loaded, the programme should then provide a thumbnail image and an opportunity to add meta tags to help you find it again in the search function.
This all reduces your time when retrieving images (no more of that "I could have sworn it was on the Oct 2009 CD!").
Ask a digital photography software provider if they can provide your image storage solution with a customisable webpage which builds your branding in as your clients look at the images you provide for them.
You can also ask whether you are able to add watermarks to the images they view as an added protection against theft.
A good programme should be able to manage over a million images, and be able to provide unlimited methods in which you can categorise those uploaded images.

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