Business & Finance Careers & Employment

ESL Resume Tips


    • The layout of the resume is essential. The traditional list style of education, experience and skills isn't the best setting to highlight your ESL expertise. Reshape the resume so that the objective is prominently displayed, followed by qualifications, experience and education. Be, particularly sure to check for any spelling or grammatical errors.

    Target the ESL Job with an Objective

    • Make the objective as clear as possible so as to target the job. For example, "An ESL position that best reflects my experience and abilities," is general and vague. An objective such as, "An ESL position at Township High School that best reflects my teaching expertise with Latino and Asian ESL students," shows that you researched the specific position.

    ESL Qualifications

    • Highlight your ESL qualifications in a bullet-point format. The qualifications are short and to the point, such as, "Five years of international ESL teaching experience in Mexico." Any ESL teaching awards or honors should also be mentioned in this section. List any ESL publications, and the languages you speak.

    ESL Experience

    • Write what you, specifically, did in your ESL teaching positions. Did you re-write the curriculum? Did you raise the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores for your high school students? Think about not only listing dates and employment, but, what you did to improve your students' English.

    Education and Volunteerism

    • Be sure to list any academic honors or scholarships in the education section. You should also list any relevant volunteerism activities you have participated in. This will show your pro-activity and enthusiasm for ESL.

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