Home & Garden Home Improvement

How To Buy A Shed

So you need to buy a shed? So what kind of things should you be looking out for when buying a shed? After all it is a fairly simple thing to buy, is it not? Just four walls and a roof? Alas not all shed manufacturers offer the best of products, so here are a few of the things that you should be looking out for when it comes to buying your shed.
The sticker price - This is the price that the shed is marked up at, but does this include everything that you see on the shed? Often the sticker price is just for a basic shed with one window, yet the one built up as a demonstrator may have a host of extras fitted, all of which may add substantially to the bill.
extra windows, window locks, double glazing etc.
So always make sure that you find out exactly what is included in the price to avoid any disappointment at a later stage.
Also is free delivery included? If not it is easy to see an extra £25 or more added on to the bill.
However it is worth noting that if you have to hire a van to pick up your shed then it could cost you far more than £25 even for just half a days van hire.
So if you can get free delivery then this is a definite plus.
Can your shed builder offer custom made sizes? If they can then this is a big plus point as very often you may want a shed and have a large area of space to put one in, but it turns out to be "The wrong kind of space", but a custom made shed can be made to fit into any space you want, solving your problem.
Does your shed manufacturer offer an installation service? If they do then you would be very well advised to take up this option - Sure it will cost you a few extra pounds, but the shed manufacturers installation team will erect your shed in around two hours or less, this compares with around a day if you choose to erect it yourself.
The only thing you will have to do in either case is to ensure that you have a suitable strong level base to have the shed erected on.
So keep the above tips in mind when you are choosing a shed to buy.

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