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Simple Ways To Eliminate Bedbugs

In many major cities, like New York, bedbugs have recently resurfaced as a real problem. These small insects, once they get a foot hold in a certain place, can travel from person to person leading to a potential pandemic worldwide. The tips and strategies in this article will help you prevent infestations of bedbugs, and help you eliminate them if they currently reside in your home.rnrnThe simplest way to prevent bedbugs is to keep your house as neat and clean as possible.rnrnBy keeping your home clean, this can actually deter bedbugs from infesting your home by, in essence, making it a less hospitable place for them to live. Your home is less likely to be invaded by these little creatures if you keep it clutter free. Frequently vacuuming your house is a good policy, as well as cleaning furniture and other surfaces where the bugs may live. Hot water is a great tool to use against these creatures especially when washing your bedding. They can live in the cracks of your floor and wall so make sure they are sealed properly. rnrnOne method which is very effective and chemical free is to steam clean the bedbugs. The little pests die due to the high temps of the steam cleaner. All clothing and bedding should be washed in hot water with a temperature of at least 120 degrees F. Once you have bedbugs in your home, washing bedding and clothing in high temp waters will not be enough to get rid of the bedbugs. There will be more of the nasty little bugs hiding throughout your home. You should be prepared to do whatever it takes to get rid of them. Yet another thing you can do which is very effective on hot days is to put clothing or linens loosely into plastic bags and seal. Leave the bags in the sun for a few days.rnrnDespite the popular belief that bedbugs can only be found in a bed, this is a false impression given by virtue of their name. It is true that these insects can live in almost every part of your home. Their real target, unfortunately, isn't furniture but you (or possibly your pets).rnrnBedbugs can live in cracks in the walls, any kind of furniture or even in bird's nests. In order to find them, you must thoroughly inspect every possible hiding place in your home. A good place to start is by turning over any furniture that you may have to make sure that they are not in any woodwork. Keep in mind that bedbugs aren't fussy about where they live, so you have to check everywhere. rnrnIn conclusion, bedbugs are not dangerous, but they can be extremely disturbing if you find them in your home. Bedbugs feed off of you and can inflict painful and itchy bites all over your body. Getting rid of these bugs can be a traumatic experience, which will be resolved when you finally eliminate them.

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