Law & Legal & Attorney Bankruptcy & consumer credit

Chapter 13 & Foreclosure

    Automatic Stay

    • When a person files for Chapter 13, the bankruptcy court issues an automatic stay. A stay postpones a foreclosure sale while the bankruptcy case is pending.

    Motion to Lift the Stay

    • A lender can proceed with a foreclosure sale while a Chapter 13 case is still pending if the court grants a lender’s “motion to lift the stay.”

    Previous Bankruptcy Filing

    • Filing for Chapter 13 will not prevent a lender from proceeding with a foreclosure if, within the last two years, a debtor’s previous bankruptcy filing resulted in the court lifting the stay so that the lender could proceed with the foreclosure.

    Repayment Plan

    • In Chapter 13, a debtor repays creditors in a three- or five-year repayment plan. A lender cannot foreclose on the home if the debtor will repay the mortgage arrearage in the repayment plan.


    • If a debtor fails to make a payment in the plan or does not agree to repay the lender in a Chapter 13 repayment plan, the lender can proceed with the foreclosure.

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