Technology Software

Get Fast Computer? Check The Best Solution Here To Get Fast Computer In Minutes

Many people may ask the question of how to get fast computer. It is no surprise that after a few months of use, your computer starts to slow down.  Actually that's totally unnecessary, you can fix and speed up the computer by yourself. There are three steps I sum up which is able to effectively prevent performance lost and get fast computer. Here we go.

1st step to get fast computer– Defragment your hard drive

Almost every storage action like creating, deleting, moving and copying files will cause the generation of fragmentation, As the amount of fragments grows over time, the hard drive will read and merge these separate fragments every time you launch a program or open a file, eventually the computer will be come slower and slower. Defragment the hard drive will help rearranging the separated file information and put them into continuous space. It will speed up computer remarkably. Remember to defragment regularly which is a very good practice to maintain your PC performance.

2nd step to get fast computer– Clean up desktop icons

This is a very effective way to speed up computer, but it also can be easily ignored by all of us. I find that lots of computer users like to create shortcuts or place applications on the desktop directly. They believe it is very convenience for them to find out the files or programs when they need. Actually such action will absolutely slow computers down. It is always a good idea to clean up the icons on the desktop regularly.

3h steps to get fast computer– clean out Windows registry

This is a very important step to get fast computer. Windows registry is just like a database which stores all the computer information. Every time you install a program, save a files or install a new driver on your computer, the registry keeps a record which called entry, these entries will be left in the registry even the related programs/files/drivers/ were removed thus make them obsolete even corrupted. That is the biggest reason for a slow running computer, if you keep ignoring these wasted entries, error messages might pop up from time to time and even crash your computer eventually.

If you feel like your computer is slowing down, go try the above steps which will definitely speed up computer, no need to reinstall the system or calling a technician, registry cleaner will help you clean the computer regularly and make it perform like new.

In order to save your time, here I would like to recommend a registry cleaner which performs the best in my benchmark. CLICK HERE to run the free registry scan to find out the errors and wasted entries hide in the registry, then get fast computer nstantly with only one simple click of your mouse.

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