Home & Garden Home Improvement

3 Electrical Tools I Cannot Live Without

I love my electrical tools. Without them, I might be dead.

You cannot say that about a hammer, drill, or saw. But the right electrical tools do more than make your electrical wiring work go faster and easier--they keep you safe. So, in praise of these great tools, I decided it was time to list my favorites:

1. Wire Stripper

Why fuss around with razor blades and pocketknives to strip plastic coating from wires?

A wire stripper is a very cheap tool which conforms to the exact wire gauge you're dealing with and strips off the coating without nicking the wire inside.

2. Wire Nuts

I am not sure if wire nuts exactly fall into the category of "tools," but they sure make the job go easier. Buy a set of wire nuts of different sizes. These multi-colored plastic nuts have a metal core that allows you to insert wires you wish to attach. With a twist or two, the wires are not only attached but are protected from short-circuiting by the plastic casing.

3. Side Cutting Pliers

This massive tool acts as both a set of pliers and as a wire-cutter. Pretty slick. If you ever need to make a tangle of wires submit to your will, Klein Side Cutting Pliers are the way to go. They also snap off practically any gauge of wire like biting through wet spaghetti.

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