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ADHD Behavior Modification - Establishing Lasting Relationships

For most with ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) making friends and establishing long lasting relationships can be quite challenging. The ADHD persons inability to stay focused during a lengthy conversation, make inappropriate comments without thinking, failure to pick up on how the other person is reacting to them, or their inability to rein in hyperactive behaviors will put a strain on almost any relationship from the very start. Add this to the fact that in most instances the more the ADHD person wants the relationship to succeed the worse their symptoms are likely to become.

ADHD behavior modification and relationships is about understanding the social challenges that come with ADHD, picking social activities carefully, and looking for ways to highlight your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. Below is a short list of ideas as to how those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can better accomplish this.

*Choose fun fast moving activities: For those with ADHD symptoms, especially hyperactivity, sitting down for a slow moving evening at a formal sit down dinner establishment is equivalent to Chinese water torture. They will not be able to move around causing pent up hyperactive energy to be relieved through conversation. And for those with this disorder this is an uncomfortable situation. Instead of the long drawn out one on one sit downs pick activities that are both informal and fun. Examples would be a trip to the theme park, pool parties, and if your goal is getting to know someone better through a one on one make it casual dinner setting, a night at the movies, or even a movie rental.

*Avoid the dreaded brain drain: Avoid social gathering that put an emphasis on disciplined focus and/or lengthy intricate conversations. Examples would be large dinner parties where you are expected to engage in conversation, long lectures or seminars that teach complex and unfamiliar material, or foreign films or operas where you must concentrate to follow a plot being spoken or sung in a foreign language. Avoiding these types of boring brain drains when possible is a small step in social ADHD management worth considering.

*Remember important dates: Your ADHD symptoms may be masking your thoughtful and caring qualities. To counteract this make a special effort to remember birthdays, special occasions, and accomplishments your friends or potential friends might have achieved. Sometimes a few simple words or a thoughtful card will be all it takes to open their eyes as to who you really are and what you have to offer.

*Stay in touch: This suggestion for ADHD management could have easily been listed first. Isolationism and social withdrawal may be two of the most damaging social traits those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder exhibit. A good suggestion for neutralizing this troublesome trait is to make a master list of friends and acquaintances and set aside a few minutes each week exclusively for sending a few short text messages, an email or two, or calling just to say hello.

In conclusion, ADHD management and relationships has everything to do with taking steps to minimizing the impact of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity/restless. Additionally, many have found that by adding a
natural ADHD supplement to their social tactics they have been able to achieve even better results.

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