Insurance Health & Medical Insurance

Medical Billing - Increase Your Recovery Rate And Save With Flat Fee Collections!

Why MyPro Billing Collection Service Is Your Best Choice€¦€¦€¦.

The key to recovering past due account is early third party intervention. Whether you are dealing with customers or vendors, when the introduction of a third party occurs, the client takes notice. Debtors are far more concerned about their credit record when they are contacted by an outside collection agency and are therefore more likely to respond. Our system has them respond directly to your office with their payment.

Collect Without Offending€¦€¦€¦€¦
We have created an easy to use, cost-effective, and prove system that will aid considerably in the collection of your unpaid accounts. Our systems does not use harsh collection methods, so your clients will not alienated by what they might perceived as loss of goodwill.

You Maintain Control€¦€¦€¦
With MyPro Billing unique collection system you control the collection process from start to finish. You decide when to start the collection process, and when to suspend it. You instruct us to pursue
the account diplomatically or intensively. We will keep you fully informed about collection activities through detailed status reports. In shorts, the solutions that service provides is a faster response and hence faster payment in your hands.

How It Works€¦€¦€¦€¦.
- Establish an account with MyPro Billing
- Per your request, incidents are entered into the systems - one at a time
- Three to five highly effective demand letter are sent, increasingly aggressive, in 7 to 15 day internals.
- Your debtors respond directly to you with agreements and payments
- Collection efforts may be suspended, cancelled or reactivated at any time.
- Your cost is a flat flee of less than $10 per incident (for all demand letter).

Work Smarter€¦€¦€¦€¦€¦€¦.
Don't risk losing your unpaid receivables as a write off or 30 to 50 percent charge from a hard-core Collection service. You could retain control of your accounts and collect the entire amount owed to
You with our service. You'll get paid faster because the payment is made directly to you. You'll enjoy lower collection fees since we charge only a small fixed amount for each account. We'll get results for you from companies and individuals alike. Because you'll get higher recovery rate, it will translated into higher income for you and increased peace of mind knowing your receivables are under control.

Our Collection Services Are€¦€¦€¦€¦€¦
- Professional: we comply with all standards of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
- Accountable: Status reports are provided monthly so you can track recovery efforts.
- Effective: Our clients experience, on average, over 50% recovery rate.
- Insightful: We understand the value of good client relations, even with delinquent accounts. MyPro Billing works professionally with your clients promoting goodwill. We can even follow-up a Thank you letter.

The Bottom Line€¦€¦€¦€¦€¦€¦.
In summary, Mypro Billing wish to provide you is an ability to close the book on every invoice by utilizing our effective collection tools. MyPro Billing will provide this at a fee which frankly is not possible for your company or staff to approach, not even considering the impact and effectiveness of our professional and proven collection system.

Call 1-408-264-1500 now for information on how MyPro Billing can help you collect your past due accounts for a reasonable fee. You'll
be surprised to find how cost-effective it is to keep your accounts in check. See:

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