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What GPA and Test Scores Do You Need for Oklahoma State University?

How Do You Measure Up at Oklahoma State University?

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Discussion of Oklahoma State's Admissions Standards:

Oklahoma State University admissions are not overly selective, but you will need decent grades and test scores to get accepted. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent accepted students. Most successful applicants had grades in the "B" range or higher, ACT composite scores of 21 or higher, and SAT scores of 1500 or higher.

A 24 or higher on the ACT guarantees admission., as does a 3.0 GPA and class rank in the top third.

Note that there are a few red dots (rejected students) and yellow dots (waitlisted students) hidden behind the green and blue in the lower range of the graph. Admission decisions at Oklahoma State are based primarily on empirical data. However, for students with borderline grades and test scores, the folks in the admissions office will take into consideration the optional essay questions on the application. The university will also be looking to make sure applicants have completed core high school courses in preparation for college.

To learn more about Oklahoma State, high school GPAs, SAT scores and ACT scores, these articles can help:

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