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I Am No Longer Proud To Be An American

I love America for many reasons, but I am no longer proud to be an American. Why? Because the America where I was born and grew up in decades ago no longer exists. A once proud nation that always placed its citizens above all else has degenerated into a massive federal monster run by ideologically-driven politicians bent on controlling every aspect of our lives. A once great nation that used its might to help other countries to find freedom and fight against tyranny now hides its head in the sand and ignores all threats, foreign and domestic. A once democratic nation that allowed people to make their own choices is now governed by an autocratic leader who skirts the law by using presidential appointments and decrees to forward an elitist agenda that is destroying our economy and giving us the international appearance of a country with no individual identity.

Every day I walk past the post office near my home I wondering why the U.S. Flag does not fly at half staff? Every American should be mourning the loss of their freedoms and national pride. Our President acts like the supreme leader of some third world nation where the only rule of law is his own. The cowards of our Congress hide behind party-approved talking points and allow government agencies to run amuck with over the top spending, rules and regulations. The only real action that any of our leaders believe in is knee jerk reactionary legislation and all that does is place more power in the hands of the federal government. Recent rulings by the Supreme Court have propped up federal power to the point where citizens cannot possibly vote their way out of the Orwellian Society we now live in. There are so many federal, state and local laws that I challenge any U.S. citizen to go even one day just sitting at home and doing nothing without breaking one of them. Just flushing a toilet several times in a row or owning a malfunctioning refrigerator could land you in jail in some places.

You know things have gone too far when an average citizen like me living from paycheck to paycheck has no say in how his tax money is spent. If I do choose to try and escape the iron-fisted grasp of established politicians by attempting to join some alternative political organization like a Tea Party or Libertarian Movement, I can expect to be scrutinized and harassed by any number of federal agencies to the point where fear of the power they have and can use against me drives me back into the civil slavery of choosing one of the two ruling parties. Despite the differences they argue over in public, one thing they seem to agree on is that Americans are too ignorant of national and international affairs to select leaders that are not pre-approved for election. Egged on by pundits on both sides, these leaders end up supporting agendas that always mean less freedom for all Americans.

I am no longer proud to be an American, I am ashamed. When I see the cowardly attack on unarmed Foot Hood soldiers by an American Military officer turned terrorist labeled as a case of workplace violence instead of terrorism, I am shamed. When I see traitors that sell or release our national secrets in the name of what they believe is a higher purpose portrayed as zealots by most of the media and allowed to flee without fear of retribution in some cases, I am ashamed. When I see Americans lose their homes and end up with no place to live while banks and financial institutions that made them homeless walk away with little or no consequences, I am ashamed. When I hear of kids falling asleep in class after being forced to eat lunches deemed politically correct for them instead of being nutritionally satisfying, I am ashamed. When I have to pay more for everything and sometimes watch my family miss meals because some politician believes we all have to pay a price for clean energy to save the planet, I am shamed.

The worst part about the fact that I am no longer proud to be an American is that all power to bring back the America that I loved and grew up in has been taken away from me. Any chance at living my life the way I choose without government control and scrutiny is gone. I must eat what I am told to eat; Drink what I am told to drink; Live or die based on the decisions of others in charge of our system of health care; Pay more for energy so our leaders can be portray our nation as a responsible partner in reducing global pollution while many other countries fill their skies with smog. I am forced to vote for hand picked candidates that will do nothing to reduce the endless stream of legislation which represents the transfer of power from voters to elected leaders. Is this any way to run a Country? I say no, but it is too late to do anything about it.

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