Self-Improvement : Health & Medical

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Short Term Goals and Long Term Goals

Short Term Goals and Long Term Goals

As has been mentioned in several self help programs that you may have been aware of it cant be stressed the importance of making and setting long and short term goals. Short term goals are typically ones which have a timeline of between a week and of a couple of months. These are more specific ones
Sweepstakes Organizing Your Entries

Sweepstakes Organizing Your Entries

If you are a serious sweepstakes a-holic, then you must devise a way to keep track of all the entries you are sending out. There are as many ways to organize your sweepstakes entries are there are to organize your monthly bills. The key is to find a system that works for you and stick with it.
Ensure Lady Luck Favors You

Ensure Lady Luck Favors You

In the early periods, communication was a big issue when businesses are considered. It was difficult to pass on the information or the content of work that you worked upon, when you are not at your work station.
Relationships and Grief: Supporting One Another

Relationships and Grief: Supporting One Another

It is widely known that men and women grieve differently and being in a relationship with someone who has lost a loved one can be particularly challenging, be it from a male or female perspective. Whether you are both grieving together or in a new relationship with someone who is grieving 'alon
Debts Being Collected Twice?

Debts Being Collected Twice?

There is a debt collection scam being done every day by debt collectors, where they collect the same debt twice or more. You must know your rights and how to avoid being taken by a debt collector.
Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest Outstanding Results

Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest Outstanding Results

How joyful could you allow yourself to be?How much more magical could your application of the law of attraction be?Read on to learn more.
3d EngravingThe Craft Of The Future

3d EngravingThe Craft Of The Future

3D crystal engraving is classy modern art that will appeal to businesses and individuals alike. Read onto learn more.
Building a Super Coaching Business - Follow-up Is Critical

Building a Super Coaching Business - Follow-up Is Critical

As a part of building a very successful coaching business, having a follow-up system to your networking, to your speeches, and to your sales is critical. In fact, it is typical to more than double your close ratio, and your whole business.
Overcome Inferiority Complex - Change Your Predominant Thoughts to Overcome Inferiority Complex

Overcome Inferiority Complex - Change Your Predominant Thoughts to Overcome Inferiority Complex

Our predominant thoughts draw the conditions and circumstances needed to manifest our desires. The old tapes that we play in our heads day after day become embedded within our subconscious mind and keep growing as ...
God's Will: What Is It?

God's Will: What Is It?

People are often confused by what is meant by the "Will of God". Many assume God would only want the best for us and would want to keep us from harm and evil. They often question why bad things happen to good people and why only the good die young, while many times the presumed bad often e
Meaning of Life - Soul Freedom

Meaning of Life - Soul Freedom

The meaning of life is forever a mystery. Some mysteries are unsolvable and best left that way. But the meaning in life is entirely different.
Who Told You to Stop Dreaming?

Who Told You to Stop Dreaming?

If you dream something, it can be achieved. Many people dream of doing things with the ultimate ending being a better life. The "Good Life." So what's stopping you from living the "good life?"
Time to Move On

Time to Move On

As moving on, implies that we have to shun in the old, be it environment, any relationship etc; and move on to the whole new world, which, implies a change. When a person faces this kind of situation he or she should really analyze whether such change is really needed or whether the person is ready
Nine Ways to Jump Start Your Daily Routine

Nine Ways to Jump Start Your Daily Routine

Since most people follow the same routine day in and day out, it can be easy to get caught in a rut. To avoid this trap, it is essential to shake up your routine every now and then. This article offers nine ways you can jump start your thinking processes.
Emotional Intelligence - An Introduction

Emotional Intelligence - An Introduction

Emotional intelligence is a fairly new complex area of psychology, one which is very much still under discussion.Are we born with our emotions or do we develop them as we grow and learned?
Depression - The Despondency Response and Spiritual Remediation

Depression - The Despondency Response and Spiritual Remediation

Depression: it's a mental, emotional and spiritual killer known to all too many of us who've been afflicted. We can easily be fooled by the devil that we've Spiritual energy to burn, and we do, to a point. But as soon as we routinely violate God's natural and Spiritual laws we&ap
Happiness, Luck and Cause and Effect

Happiness, Luck and Cause and Effect

Do you think happiness depends only on your luck in life? If you are lucky, you are happy, if you are unhappy, you are unlucky? Happiness is a matter of cause and effect.
Habit is Overcome by Habit

Habit is Overcome by Habit

People often wonder how they can change a deep rooted habit. And they have good reason to wonder. A habit is something that is enacted instinctively and automatically, without conscious thought. It is something which is triggered by subconscious processes.
How to Put More Fun Into Your Life

How to Put More Fun Into Your Life

In today's world of economic uncertainties and high stress, 'fun' has taken a backseat to people's priorities. However, in order to maintain balance in our lives, we need to inject more fun so that we can survive these difficult times.
Time Management - How to Write a To-Do List

Time Management - How to Write a To-Do List

It is well known that people who write down what they want to achieve are many more times likely to succeed. When you write what you would like to do each day this will enable you to keep focused on what you plan to do.