Horses : Pets & Animal

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Top Three Towing Tips For Happy Trail Riding

Top Three Towing Tips For Happy Trail Riding

How to tow your horse with the proper equipment in a truck and trailer. Take the guesswork out of knowing if you have the right truck and trailer for the job of hauling your horse.
How to Rig a One-Horse Harness

How to Rig a One-Horse Harness

Properly setting up a horse in a harness is necessary for a variety of uses that a horse fulfills. Almost all horse activities such as pulling a carriage or cart, hauling a plow or directional steering for a rider require one form or another of the classic harness. Harnesses are composed of a main b
Wood Burning Pellets vs. Horse Stall Pellets

Wood Burning Pellets vs. Horse Stall Pellets

Horse stalls have traditionally been lined with wood shavings or straw to provide bedding for the horse. Wood-burning pellets that are produced to burn in a pellet stove offer an alternative to shavings and hay. Many manufacturers now produce horse stall wood pellets that are designed specifically
Identification, Prevention and Control of External Parasites on Horses

Identification, Prevention and Control of External Parasites on Horses

External parasite infestation can cause irritation and un-thriftiness in your horse. Some external parasites can help proliferate life-cycles of internal parasites.
10 Essential Items You Will Need For a Horse First Aid Kit

10 Essential Items You Will Need For a Horse First Aid Kit

Find out what should go into a horse first aid kit. Be ready for emergencies with basic emergency veterinary supplies. Learn the items that should go in a horse first aid kit.
Homemade Fly Killer

Homemade Fly Killer

Homemade fly killer uses simple household ingredients to accomplish its task. If you don't have all the necessary ingredients on hand, try a substitute with similar properties. Flies are naturally repelled by the acidity in vinegar and by the sharp, lemony scent of citronella. Liquid soap washes awa
How to Position the Breast Collar on a Horse

How to Position the Breast Collar on a Horse

No matter what breed of horse you work with or what style of riding you do, the tack you use is a critical part of your safety equipment. Using tack that is clean and in good repair can help you avoid accidents, and making sure the tack fits the horse properly will make both you and your mount more
How to Make a Lead Rope for Your Horse

How to Make a Lead Rope for Your Horse

Making a lead rope for your horse saves you money. Horse lead ropes can cost more than $10 each, depending on the type and material. Often, the length of rope gets thrown into a corner and lost. Then, you have buy a new one. The cycle repeats itself over and over again. You can make yourself a lead
How to Change a Gullet Wintec

How to Change a Gullet Wintec

Some Wintec brand saddles feature the EASY-CHANGE™ Gullet System, an innovation that allows you to change the size of the saddle's gullet so it will fit multiple horses. The gullet is the channel that goes through the middle of the underside of the saddle above the horse's spine. It keeps the
How to buy Replacement Saddle Parts

How to buy Replacement Saddle Parts

A quality saddle is no small investment, and it is important to care for and maintain that saddle properly. A well-maintained western or English saddle can last for many years, but occasionally small parts such as a latigo or back cinch will need to be replaced. When those parts fail, it is importan
How to Care for a Horse in a Stable

How to Care for a Horse in a Stable

Choosing and maintaining your horse's stall are important parts of providing your horse with proper care. Most important, you have to make sure the horse gets adequate food, water and exercise. Read on to fully understand the needs of a stabled horse.
What Is Laminitis?

What Is Laminitis?

The area between the hoof and the pedal bone inside of the hoof is called the laminae. It's made up of hoof-like insensitive material and a very sensitive membrane-like material. Laminitis (also known as founder) is a potentially lethal inflammation of the laminae, and is very painful. Laminitis k
Horses & Ringworm Skin Disease

Horses & Ringworm Skin Disease

Ringworm is a contagious infection that can be passed on to other horses, even if the horses never meet. There are ways to treat and prevent ringworm, but it will take special care to get rid of it and prevent others from getting it as well.
How to Train Horses to Work With the Handicapped

How to Train Horses to Work With the Handicapped

Therapeutic equine programs match disabled people to horses and their handlers to assist with physical, mental and emotional healing. The motion of the horse's body encourages muscle control, flexibility, mobility and stability, while the mysterious link between horses and humans encourages emotiona
The Story of Mary Jo and Misty

The Story of Mary Jo and Misty

Once upon a time back in the 1950s, a very young and impressionable girl named Mary Jo lived on a farm with her parents and brother in Pennsylvania. They had a couple of big work horses - the kind that pull plows and stuff like that - and Mary Jo came to love them, learn from them and in a very sens
Care of Foals

Care of Foals

This article looks at how to take care and feed foals.
Building a Bond Among Man and Horse

Building a Bond Among Man and Horse

In order to be able to get along with horses, a person is required to comprehend their way of thinking, in order to be able to pre-empt a horses response, you first have to comprehend how horses think and why they react in particular ways. A sound knowledge also instills trust for both parties, man
Horseshoe Styles

Horseshoe Styles

Horseshoes have been used for well over 1,000 years to protect horses' feet while they work. Horseshoes come in open- and closed-toe varieties, and they are made out of diverse materials such as steel, aluminum and even rubber or plastic. The many styles of horseshoes accommodate specific needs of t
A Better Horse Every Day

A Better Horse Every Day

Every moment you spend with your horse has an influence on his relationship with you and his overall behavior. Learn how to improve both using these simple tips.
Tips For Buying a Horse Online

Tips For Buying a Horse Online

There can not be too many articles on what to look for when buying horses online.It is becoming more popular to look to the Internet for the perfect horse - be informed and save yourself and your potential equine friend some potential heartache.