Senior in the House!
My mom is 4'11" full of vim and vigor. She may shuffle along like a 100 year old locomotive but, believe you me she is sassy and spunky enough to take on a raging bull if it really, really ticks her off! Ree (as the grand/great grand kids call her) came to live with me four years ago after
Mobility Lifts - Making It Easy to Get Around
In everyday life, those with physical limitations will find themselves in a number of situations where they need some assistance. It might be a matter of accessing a building which doesn't have a ramp or, for an elderly person living in a two storey house, the indoor flight of stairs could be t
Used Mobility Scooters to Make Life Easier
Investing in a used mobility scooter will result in making your life easier as you can get around without hassle and go where you like when you feel like it. Used scooters are affordable, find them in
Tips To Assemble Care Kits With Affordable Medical Supplies
Emergencies can strike at anytime and anywhere, and it seems as if they strike especially when you are not prepared. Hundreds of thousands of persons do not, or are not prepared for emergencies, or do they have insurance that can cover the costs of affordable medical supplies that may be needed duri
10 Tips on How to Help Elderly Parents Accept Help
It is very difficult for aging seniors to face the fact they are unable to maintain living independently at home. This can be frustrating to adult children who are worried about their parents or other elderly relative's safety and well being. Ideas on how to help your parent or loved one accept
Items in a Medical Supply Store
As a medical professional, you'll want to have a place that you can trust will sell you the items you need to run an effective practice. The needs will differ amongst patients and this is why it it is important to have an adequate amount of supplies at your disposal. Medical equipment has to be
How to Improve our Elderly Care System
The old age care system in the UK is something that has not really seen too many improvements in the last few years. There is still along way to go before we arrive at a method that properly looks aft
Combat Seasonal Staff Shortages With the Help of a Nursing Agency
Winter is coming and that usually means an influx of new patient admissions. Couple this with the inevitable staff sickness levels and not forgetting the effects of the latest swine flu epidemic and we have a potential risk of serious staff shortages at many healthcare providers. Turning patients aw
Exit Interviews to Cut Healthcare Professional Turnover
Do employment exit interviews reduce healthcare professionals' turnover?
The Benefits of Complementary Therapies
Health is an important concern for everyone in their daily lives, particularly as they advance in age. While advances in the medical field have revolutionized options and technologies available within the mainstream health care system, they have also, conversely, brought to light many of the advanta
Easy Home Remedies To Treat Most Common Ailments
We have all had that sore throat or a mild fever that we know is going to get better within a day or two without any medication. But there is always that important presentation in the office the very next day. So what do we do? We just pop some pills and power through the day. But taking those rando
Natural Ingredients That Should Be Present In Your Hair Oil
Remember the time when you were a kid and your hair bounced whenever you jumped about? Well, for most people, those days are long gone and now most people battle falling hair. Every time you switch on the television, you see numerous advertisements that show how the shampoos, lotions, and hair cream
How to Get Rid of Lice on a Child
If you have tried a remedy and it does not seem to work, be sure to talk to your physician to learn how to get rid of lice before starting a new treatment. This is to make sure that there are no contraindications, and that the product will be safe for your child. Remember, treatments that can be use
Home Remedies For a Sore Throat
The very idea of home remedies tends to bring chills to the spines of most CEO's of major drug companies however if you are like most of us you want to find the most effective cure you possibly can. Usually, unless your affliction is of a serious nature the only treatment which you will require
Medical Tourism Is The Way Forward For Baby Boomers
The generation that was born between 1946 and 1964 is known as the Baby Boomers. This number is staggering and it is believed the people between the ages of 55 and 65 are one of the largest age demographic groups in this history of the US. Along with this, comes the rising need for a variety of heal
The Pieces of the Assisted Living Apartment Puzzle
When is it too early to start planning for an assisted living apartment? Never according to a recent Fairbanks News-Miner report. Titled "Plan ahead for assisted living, even if it's years away," that article specifically addressed an Alzheimer situation where the patient waited until
Is It Time To Send My Parents To Senior Care?
The decision to send your parents to a senior care facility such as Michigan home care can be a difficult one, especially if family members are unsure whether or not their parents are ready to be moved to senior care.
Chair Lifts for Stairs – What are the Best Stair Lifts
One kind of aerial lifts for more mobility are chair lifts for stairs. Chair lifts for stairs may have many aspects and purposes depending on the user. These devices are normally used by people who fi
How Are Nursing Homes Affected by Retiring Baby Boomers?
Overview of Nursing HomesThere are many types of nursing homes, including skilled nursing and assisted-living facilities. A nursing home is classified according to the level of care it provides and the relative health of its residents. Nursing homes are designed to provide 24-hour medical...
How to Determine the Age of an Antique Roll Top Desk
Antique roll top desks are one of the most popular and sought after items by antique collectors. The sturdy desks include a flexible top that rolls down to cover the desktop and conceal important papers while the desk is not being used. Collectors and dealers carefully assess the iconic furniture to