My Childhood Friend
We were friends and class mates, till he dropped out after the fourth standard.
I continued and graduated.
Some how, I did not relish my studies and soon set up my own business.
Though I occasionally wrote to him, he never replied.
Through mutual friends, I learned that he is settled in some village, not far from Pune.
My business was not running smoothly and I even toyed with the idea of winding it up and returning to India.
I have vague memories of my mother, who died after my younger sister, some two years junior to me.
I was attached to my elder sister, whom I accepted as my mother, in all respects.
Whenever I visited India, I go to her house even before going home to see my father and younger sister.
This time I got my friend's address and went to Pune.
I left my baggage in the hotel and changed over to native dress.
After a strenuous journey, I located the house It was a mud hut with grass for roof.
A fair woman in simple blouse and skirt came out and enquired: whom do you want to see? Is Ramu at home? I am his friend.
He is in the field.
You sit here; I will call him.
By the way, what is your name? Behal.
Suddenly she beamed and almost ran with enthusiasm.
Apparently Ramu has told everything about me, from the day we were back benchers at Nashik municipal school.
She called him, even as she ran.
A man, mud allover his body, turned towards us.
He stopped ploughing and called out my name.
He told us to wait I enquired: he never told me about his marriage.
How can he? He has no phone? What is your name? How many issues have you? She began to talk.
We have a son and daughter.
As there is no school, we send them to a neighbour, who knows some English.
We have only a few acres of land.
We do all work ourselves; we have been working all along, even before we bought this.
We have some cows and hens.
All products are bought by neighbours.
When the sun was going down, we all returned home.
We washed at the well.
Water was drawn by hand from the open well.
For the fields, there were tube wells, worked my motor.
The food was simple chapattis.
made of wheat flour.
and mixed vegetable dish, without any spices.
There was only one room.
We men slept on charpoys (Four pieces of bamboo fixed at right angles and supported on feet of wood.
A net of cloth ribbon holds the sheet) in the open front courtyard.
It was summer.
We lay there, talking.
Why don't you engage workmen? Am I to idle away my time like a zamindar? At least you must have a phone.
I have no need.
A post card is enough for communication.
Now you talk like a wise man.
In the school, you were an idiot.
When I looked in his face, he was fast asleep! My attention was turned to the sky.
There was no moon; but myriads of stars brightened the sky.
I lay awake for quite some time, before I went to sleep Early in the morning, I was awakened by the sound "tea is ready".
It was Ramu's step-sister, dark skinned and uneducated, as explained by Ramu.
Her childish enthusiasm and lithe figure, without even the suggestion of fat in her body, engaged my attention during that holiday.
I requisitioned a taxi car from Pune and told all to get ready within an hour.
Only Ramu excused, saying he will hire a woman for help.
In the cosmopolitan atmosphere of Pune, all were happy.
I bought cloths for all, not forgetting my girl.
For Bhabi (brother's sister), I bought a watch and a mobile phone, in addition to saris.
I extracted a promise from bhabhi to attend my younger sister's marriage, to attend which I had come to India.
Do not forget to bring my girl, I told bhabi.
She at my beck and call during my stay there..
From Pune I flew to Bombay.
MARRIAGE I gave Didi a blank cheque and told her to buy all things, including gold and cloths required for the wedding.
She was overjoyed.
As my father was a policeman, now retired, he needed no support from me.
I gave them some money whenever I came home.
So my gesture impressed them very much.
I added: let people know that I am really wealthy.
I deputed my men for supervising all services at the reception, arrangements for stay in hotels etc.
I had deputed two men to receive my friends from Pune, for whose flight, I had sent air tickets.
When they came, I embraced them all, not forgetting my girl, who, in the dress presented by me, looked bright and charming.
I told Ramu to remain with me all the time.
You may think it odd.
The fact is that I am still a bachelor, though not a virgin.
I have seen many society ladies but none like your sister.
Will you give her to me? Marriage must be between equals.
Will you allow me to write to her? Do not give her any hope.
First ask your father.
In my case, it is Didi.
I took her to Pune, after my sister was seen off to her husband's home.
There I explained my scheme to her: We must acquire a few hundred hectares of land here.
It is dirt cheap and the money will come, if I sell my business.
Your daughter can learn dairy science.
We can have a big dairy industry here, built on modern lines.
A poultry farm, a fish pond and vegetable garden will also come.
The wages are low.
Demand for eatables will never cease What do you say? I then became the old boy whom she loved unreservedly.
I embraced her.
I asked:do you like Ramu's sister? She remained quiet for some time.
Then she looked at me and smiled.
Let us ask our father.
My heart sank.
I knew the old man too well.
He wants that she must be from the same sub-caste.
Must get plenty of dowry.
He looks at me as a lottery ticket.
Only first prize will satisfy him.
At the same time, I do not like to sow discord in the family.
A woman is not everything! The presence of Bhabhi brightened the atmosphere.
She is able and nice to look at.
I intended to groom her as my Administrator.
I withdrew "my men" from the business and started preliminary work for land acquisition etc.
By influence, I managed to get administrative approval for a high way to Pune.
One day I approached my girl and proposed secret marriage.
She told Bhabhi.
A local poojari did the rites.
My friend and Bhabhi were the witnesses.
Of course, I did not forget to take video photograpahs and to register the marriage
I continued and graduated.
Some how, I did not relish my studies and soon set up my own business.
Though I occasionally wrote to him, he never replied.
Through mutual friends, I learned that he is settled in some village, not far from Pune.
My business was not running smoothly and I even toyed with the idea of winding it up and returning to India.
I have vague memories of my mother, who died after my younger sister, some two years junior to me.
I was attached to my elder sister, whom I accepted as my mother, in all respects.
Whenever I visited India, I go to her house even before going home to see my father and younger sister.
This time I got my friend's address and went to Pune.
I left my baggage in the hotel and changed over to native dress.
After a strenuous journey, I located the house It was a mud hut with grass for roof.
A fair woman in simple blouse and skirt came out and enquired: whom do you want to see? Is Ramu at home? I am his friend.
He is in the field.
You sit here; I will call him.
By the way, what is your name? Behal.
Suddenly she beamed and almost ran with enthusiasm.
Apparently Ramu has told everything about me, from the day we were back benchers at Nashik municipal school.
She called him, even as she ran.
A man, mud allover his body, turned towards us.
He stopped ploughing and called out my name.
He told us to wait I enquired: he never told me about his marriage.
How can he? He has no phone? What is your name? How many issues have you? She began to talk.
We have a son and daughter.
As there is no school, we send them to a neighbour, who knows some English.
We have only a few acres of land.
We do all work ourselves; we have been working all along, even before we bought this.
We have some cows and hens.
All products are bought by neighbours.
When the sun was going down, we all returned home.
We washed at the well.
Water was drawn by hand from the open well.
For the fields, there were tube wells, worked my motor.
The food was simple chapattis.
made of wheat flour.
and mixed vegetable dish, without any spices.
There was only one room.
We men slept on charpoys (Four pieces of bamboo fixed at right angles and supported on feet of wood.
A net of cloth ribbon holds the sheet) in the open front courtyard.
It was summer.
We lay there, talking.
Why don't you engage workmen? Am I to idle away my time like a zamindar? At least you must have a phone.
I have no need.
A post card is enough for communication.
Now you talk like a wise man.
In the school, you were an idiot.
When I looked in his face, he was fast asleep! My attention was turned to the sky.
There was no moon; but myriads of stars brightened the sky.
I lay awake for quite some time, before I went to sleep Early in the morning, I was awakened by the sound "tea is ready".
It was Ramu's step-sister, dark skinned and uneducated, as explained by Ramu.
Her childish enthusiasm and lithe figure, without even the suggestion of fat in her body, engaged my attention during that holiday.
I requisitioned a taxi car from Pune and told all to get ready within an hour.
Only Ramu excused, saying he will hire a woman for help.
In the cosmopolitan atmosphere of Pune, all were happy.
I bought cloths for all, not forgetting my girl.
For Bhabi (brother's sister), I bought a watch and a mobile phone, in addition to saris.
I extracted a promise from bhabhi to attend my younger sister's marriage, to attend which I had come to India.
Do not forget to bring my girl, I told bhabi.
She at my beck and call during my stay there..
From Pune I flew to Bombay.
MARRIAGE I gave Didi a blank cheque and told her to buy all things, including gold and cloths required for the wedding.
She was overjoyed.
As my father was a policeman, now retired, he needed no support from me.
I gave them some money whenever I came home.
So my gesture impressed them very much.
I added: let people know that I am really wealthy.
I deputed my men for supervising all services at the reception, arrangements for stay in hotels etc.
I had deputed two men to receive my friends from Pune, for whose flight, I had sent air tickets.
When they came, I embraced them all, not forgetting my girl, who, in the dress presented by me, looked bright and charming.
I told Ramu to remain with me all the time.
You may think it odd.
The fact is that I am still a bachelor, though not a virgin.
I have seen many society ladies but none like your sister.
Will you give her to me? Marriage must be between equals.
Will you allow me to write to her? Do not give her any hope.
First ask your father.
In my case, it is Didi.
I took her to Pune, after my sister was seen off to her husband's home.
There I explained my scheme to her: We must acquire a few hundred hectares of land here.
It is dirt cheap and the money will come, if I sell my business.
Your daughter can learn dairy science.
We can have a big dairy industry here, built on modern lines.
A poultry farm, a fish pond and vegetable garden will also come.
The wages are low.
Demand for eatables will never cease What do you say? I then became the old boy whom she loved unreservedly.
I embraced her.
I asked:do you like Ramu's sister? She remained quiet for some time.
Then she looked at me and smiled.
Let us ask our father.
My heart sank.
I knew the old man too well.
He wants that she must be from the same sub-caste.
Must get plenty of dowry.
He looks at me as a lottery ticket.
Only first prize will satisfy him.
At the same time, I do not like to sow discord in the family.
A woman is not everything! The presence of Bhabhi brightened the atmosphere.
She is able and nice to look at.
I intended to groom her as my Administrator.
I withdrew "my men" from the business and started preliminary work for land acquisition etc.
By influence, I managed to get administrative approval for a high way to Pune.
One day I approached my girl and proposed secret marriage.
She told Bhabhi.
A local poojari did the rites.
My friend and Bhabhi were the witnesses.
Of course, I did not forget to take video photograpahs and to register the marriage