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Are Health Insurance Companies To Blame For The High Cost Of Health Care?

Disproportionate health insurance premiums may be the reason we are seeing increased health care costs. Unexpectedly high rates and soaring premiums are common here in the United States. Insurance companies are labeled as insatiable and pitiless businesses formed for the sole intention of rising prices so they profit more. It is also thought these companies engage in these activities consistently, and is therefore the reason people cannot afford to purchase care.

More realistically, doctor rates, hospital charges, equipment and other related expenses are actually driving the prices up for procedures, visits, prescriptions and treatments. This cost, in turn, is delivered to you, the patient. It is easy to see the organization of health care in this part of the world needs help. Furthermore, these costs are passed on to the insurance companies and then on to you. It is because of the transfer of cost through this health program structure many people cannot afford physicals, checkups, or other care.

Of course the insurance companies do get to cut down medical expenses to the reasonable and customary level so you may be thinking that increased health care costs really aren't affecting them, but this is not the case. As a matter of fact, it is the increasing cost of medical treatments that is driving up the cost of our health insurance premiums. Even the terms reasonable and customary will only keep your medical bills down so far because they are basically an average of what doctors are charging for this service and that amount keeps going up by the medical profession as a way to get paid the reasonable and customary amount they want to receive.

It is a price fixing game and one that has health insurance companies and the public struggling to keep up. It is easy to see how quickly the bills add up if you have ever had even a one night stay in a hospital. It almost seems as if you are given round the clock care by 10 or more health care professionals, each with their own bill. Heck, if you are in the hospital you are charged for everything.And to that effect many people are also overcharged for these visits.

Overall while it may look as if it is the health insurance companies that are the villains in this case, it is actually the medical professionals that need to get a handle on the high cost of medical care. It is unreasonable to expect that health insurance costs will ever come down if medical professionals are still running the show.

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