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Beguinage (Begijnhof) in Bruges, Belgium

The Begijnhof or Beguinage has been a pleasant oasis in Bruges for over 750 years. In medieval times, there were many more women than men, primarily due to the wars. Unmarried or widowed women often joined the Catholic order of Beguines, promising obedience and chastity, but not poverty like the nuns. The women lived in religious communities such as this one, making their living by making lace with religious motifs or caring for the sick or elderly.

Sometimes rich benefactors would pay the Beguines to pray for them.
This Beguinage was founded in 1245 by Margaret, Countess of Constantinople, to bring together the Beguines of Bruges, many of whom were widows of Crusaders. The congregation flourished for over 600 years, but the last Beguine died in the 1970s. Today part of the compound is home to a group of Benedictine nuns, and the other part is home to about 50 ordinary single women of all ages.

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