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Spiritual Mastermind On Changing Negative Thoughts to Create a New Reality

As my great mentor Napoleon Hill kindly wrote, €Thoughts are truly things, and powerful things at that.€ With our thoughts we shape the world, and it is this that the results we experience in our lives are from our best thinking. That may not be a message that most people would want to hear, but the truth is that we create exactly what we expect in our lives, and it is a predictable formula that you can take advantage of here in the present moment.

One of my other mentors David Wood taught me something interesting about a little whatchamacallit called the Reticular Activating System, and what it basically does is it allows us to only focus on five to seven bits of information simultaneously every second of our awareness. It governs whether or not we feel our feet, whether we pay attention to this writing, whether we lean in closer to the screen, or just focus more on our breathing patterns.

The RAS seeks to prove to you out of those five to seven bits of information that what you believe in is TRUE. Beliefs govern our world down to the core roots of our soul. Someone can believe that God is a pink elephant and literally everything in the Universe will lead them to believe that God is a pink elephant. However, this is just an extreme case and it doesn't necessarily have to be at this extreme example.

In addition to all of this we're talking specifically on changing our negative thoughts to something new. The reality is that in order to do so we must focus on this: Every. Single. Day. Every single day of our existence we must focus on personally growing and developing in order to become the person that we decide we will become.

You can think of the mind as a scale and in that scale we have the positive side of the equation and the negative side of the equation. The more trash we feed our mind, the more the negative side will weigh. However, the more positive material you feed your mind the more the positive side of the scale will weigh, thus having more leverage on your mind. When this happens literally abundance and prosperity begin to overflow in your life because you made a decision to keep feeding the mind good material.

Good material comes from reading personal development books, personal development audios and associating with people that are moving towards the direction that we want to head in life. You cannot do this over an extended period of time without noticing differences in your life, and like the old adage goes, €You are the average of the five people you associate yourself the most with.€ This is beyond true, you become what you think about most of the time, so if you surround yourself with people that are moving forward and constantly evolving, and if you continue to focus on evolving yourself then it's only a matter of time before you completely change your negative thoughts and begin to experience a new life!

That's the only secret to this, and that's the only secret you will ever need to experience in your life. Follow this advice, use it and realize a new change starting right here right now as you make a decision to focus on growing yourself to become the person that you decide to become as you take responsibility for your results, right here and right now.

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