Health & Medical Muscles & Bones & Joints Diseases

Tennis Elbow Treatment Options


    • A doctor will determine if a patient has tennis elbow by examination and description of the pain. Since other conditions may be the cause, a visit to a doctor and a proper diagnosis is imperative.

    Rest & Ice

    • The first course of treatment is to rest and avoid activity that puts stress on the area. Applying ice to the affected area is also suggested.

    Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

    • Anti-inflammatory drugs are often prescribed to reduce the pain. Cortisone injections are useful in alleviating the pain and inflammation.

    Physical Therapy

    • Certain stretching and strengthening exercises will help with tennis elbow. These exercises should begin after the pain has subsided or been eliminated. Anything that aggravates the pain should be stopped immediately.


    • Sometimes, a physician may prescribe straps or braces to reduce stress on the elbow. In order to let the tissues heal, a sling will be helpful in keeping the elbow immobile and out of use.


    • If all other treatments fail to help, surgery is an option. Only 1 in 10 people who suffer with tennis elbow opt for or need surgery. The surgery is usually an in-patient procedure and involves clipping the inflamed tendon.

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