Business & Finance Corporations

What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Employees

As entrepreneurs, we're usually grateful that we're no longer in a J O B and that we have control over our days, our lives.
That gratefulness can often lead us to forget about the positive things about being an employee - things which, as entrepreneurs, we need to incorporate into our own businesses.
Employees take regular breaks.
* They leave their desks for lunch - whether to go out for food or just go for a walk * Speaking of food...
employees take time to eat * Employees connect with others by chatting at the copier machine, water cooler, in the hall Entrepreneurs on the other hand forget to take breaks.
* We get so involved in what we're doing that we often forget to take a lunch break * If we remember to eat, it's often hurried and in front of the computer * Many of us can go days without leaving the *office* or speaking to anyone outside family And then there's the pay...
Employees receive a regular wage for working pretty regular hours while many entrepreneurs work night and day in their business and yet forget to take a salary.
As an employee, it's not always easy to change your circumstance (unless you change your job).
As an entrepreneur however, it's as easy as deciding to do things differently.
*Work with a timer to ensure you remember to take frequent breaks and "break" means getting up and leaving your desk * Nourish your body for optimal results - eat healthily and to keep your energy up * Connect with others throughout the day - whether through your social networking activities, online forums, on the phone or in person * And regardless of how much revenue your business is currently taking in, take a salary.
It's important from an energy as well as mindset perspective As entrepreneurs, we're at our best with clients when we're at our best with our selves.
What self care routine can you start implementing today? I'd love to hear from you below...

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