How to Start Buying Stocks Online
Buying stocks on line can be an intimidating thing for many new or old investors.
However let me tell you this: buying stocks on line has never been easier! There are many on line discount brokers that will gladly take your trading business at rock bottom commission rates.
These on line brokers are cheap and easy to use, and believe it or not, offer just as good or better trades than your normal face-to-face broker! How are on line discount brokers so much better for buying stocks than your traditional investment advisor or stockbroker? Well, for one they don't charge you extra fees for having money parked with them, or for advice that you don't really want or need.
In fact, many on line brokers will pay extremely generous rates of interest on money that you have parked with them - oftentimes more than you would get from your normal bank account! Finding an On Line Stock Broker that you can trust and want to do business with can be tricky however.
Since it is such a booming business, there are going to be many on line brokers competing vigorously for your business.
A little word of advice: Don't necessarily go with the guys you see on TV.
The main reason for this is that those well-advertised on line brokers are going to charge you more (sometimes twice as much!) for the exact same service that a less-advertised broker would so they can cover their advertising costs.
Also, don't buy into the hype of all the added features one on line broker will claim to have over another.
This is an unfortunate lie.
No on line broker is going to help you to buy stock better than another.
The best thing they can do for you is to complete your trades well, at a low cost.
I won't get into more of this here, but you can find out more about a comparison of on line stock brokers at Buying Stocks On-Line.
However let me tell you this: buying stocks on line has never been easier! There are many on line discount brokers that will gladly take your trading business at rock bottom commission rates.
These on line brokers are cheap and easy to use, and believe it or not, offer just as good or better trades than your normal face-to-face broker! How are on line discount brokers so much better for buying stocks than your traditional investment advisor or stockbroker? Well, for one they don't charge you extra fees for having money parked with them, or for advice that you don't really want or need.
In fact, many on line brokers will pay extremely generous rates of interest on money that you have parked with them - oftentimes more than you would get from your normal bank account! Finding an On Line Stock Broker that you can trust and want to do business with can be tricky however.
Since it is such a booming business, there are going to be many on line brokers competing vigorously for your business.
A little word of advice: Don't necessarily go with the guys you see on TV.
The main reason for this is that those well-advertised on line brokers are going to charge you more (sometimes twice as much!) for the exact same service that a less-advertised broker would so they can cover their advertising costs.
Also, don't buy into the hype of all the added features one on line broker will claim to have over another.
This is an unfortunate lie.
No on line broker is going to help you to buy stock better than another.
The best thing they can do for you is to complete your trades well, at a low cost.
I won't get into more of this here, but you can find out more about a comparison of on line stock brokers at Buying Stocks On-Line.