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Scrabble Tile Ornaments

We received these simple ornaments as gifts and just love them. Perfect for just about anyone, but even better for game buffs and folks who love words!

Supplies needed:
  • Look for old Scrabble games at thrift stores and garage sales. Or just use that extra game in the closet. Websites such as Etsy and eBay will often have odd lots of letter tiles for sale.
  • Popsicle sticks were used as backing, but even colored strips of cardstock would work. Just be sure that whatever you glue the letters onto is sturdy and won't bend.

  • A choice of ribbons, cords, yarns or string, or other embellishments (such as the pearl garland as shown) is all that's needed as a hanger.
  • Use a hot glue gun to put the ornament together.
Have fun with coming up with different words. Perhaps holiday words could be: Noel, Merry Christmas, Santa, Jingle, Snow, Rudolph, Cheer, Joy, Happiness, Tree, Sparkle, Glitter -- the possibilities are endless.
It would make it even more fun if an embellishment was added to an occasional ornament. Perhaps a bell on the JINGLE word, a red mini pom-pom on RUDOLPH, a little snow flake of on the SNOW word and perhaps some glitter glue could be used on the GLITTER and SPARKLE words

More Suggestions:
Taking it a step further, I am really big into using the kids and grandkids names on the Christmas tree and think I will use this idea on a family tree. Spell out all their names out and perhaps even use color coordinated ribbons for the various families, especially as the group grows larger. With a larger family this could be really fun and perhaps take a little time to assemble all the right letters.

Want to go a step further, make the ornament double-sided with the last name on the back.

More Scrabble tile crafts:
A handy chart on just how many tiles there are of each letter in the game is on the Board Games site on About.

Fill a tree with vintage and copies of vintage postcards for a nostalgic look. These are also simple and quick to make presents for crafty friends, especially when you can find one that fits their personality. These (and other cards) are on a tree by our front door, when company comes to our home at Christmas-time, they get to take a little goody home. These are this year's gifts.

How I did it:
Although these ornaments were created with actual cards, other ornament cards were created with color copies of postcards.

My color printer was not happy with the cardstock so I took a copy on regular paper to a print shop and had them make copies for me. This step isn't necessary if you use a backing on the ornament (see below).

Looking through my stash of odds and ends, I came up with different treasures to use on the cards. It might be a bit hard to tell from the photograph, but both cards have embellishments.
  1. The bluebird card was trimmed with decorative trim scissors, has a tiny little bird and an acorn glued to the card, along with vintage style tinsel trim used as a hanger.
  2. The children sledding ornament has snowflake embellishments, along with 3-D holly in the corner.

Scissors with a decorative edge was used on the bird card, a corner rounder could also be used, or nothing special at all.

Tinsel garland was used on these cards, but ribbons, cords or miniature garlands would also be good choices.

If using color copies, there are several options for the back. Rubber stamps with Christmas greetings could be used, or a stamp that looks like a postcard front would be perfect.

Colored papers or glue the entire card onto a piece of decorative cardstock.

Since both of these are the actual cards, it makes the reverse side even more interesting as they hang up. The actual notes from over 100 years and are fascinating to read. These were purchased in a lot of 50 vintage cards on eBay, so the price was right for craft projects.

See more Postcard Craft Ideas

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