Business & Finance Small Business

How to Write a Letter of Inquiry to Obtain Private Grant Funding



The first part of a inquiry is a formal summary of your grant to provide a quick over view of your proposal and in a very concise way. Avoid putting opinions in the private grant request letter stick to facts. Write a short letter describing the purpose and goal of receiving grant funding. You will also want to include a little background of your organization, the problem the proposal addresses and the amount of money you are seeking.

Attached to your letter should be a one to two page concept paper that goes into more detail. Start of the page by writing a more non-formal summary of details that you would like to provide that are not in the letter.

Next address the problem the proposal addresses mentioned in the letter portion. Write down your problem then describe what the steps are in solving that problem.

Follow by describing the program activities of your organization you are seeking private grant funding for. You will want to talk about the activities in details and site specific time lines and events.

The last topic for your private grant inquiry should be about your budget for what your seeking funds for. This is very important. It is highly unlikely that you will find one grant to pay for all costs, you will need to show were the other funds are coming from and how the project will be maintained after funding is spent. For example if you are seeking funds for a playground, you may list that you have volunteers to set up the equipment and the proper city's authority has agreed to mow the playground weekly when in season. Remember, you may not have actually money in the bank but volunteers and donations of any kind should be reported here.

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