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Dislike Odd Gatherings? Turn Off Grouping by Subject in Yandex.Mail

Like it or not, you are associated with many a group (from borrow to work to school and club). Associate with them or not, you are like many other people in multifarious aspects (from hair color to taste in music to character and age).

Still, an individual you are in many ways, and that, let me guess, is how by default you want to appear. Right?

Emails resemble each other in many, many ways—say, the subject.

Email messages may have the same subject line because they do "belong" together, or just by chance.

Chance or not, you want those emails to appear as individual messages in your Yandex.Mail inbox sorted as you please, act on them one by one and not deal with expanding and collapsing sub-lists of your lists listing "messages"?

You can; it is, I am fortunate to report, easy to disable grouping by subject in Yandex.Mail.

Disable Grouping by Subject in Yandex.Mail

To see messages sorted individually in Yandex.Mail, not grouped to form threads by subject:
  • Make sure the Yandex.Mail reading pane is disabled.
  • Open your Yandex.Mail inbox or another folder (though not label).
  • Make sure group by subject is not checked in the list's header.

(Updated July 2014)

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