Health & Medical Body building

How to Get Bigger Muscles For Skinny Hardgainers

For skinny hardgainers, gaining muscle mass can often seem like no mean feat.
No matter how much time you spend exercising and working out, you don't seem to gain any significant muscle...
you know, the type that turns heads and gets the girls running after you.
Since you are trying to figure out how to get bigger muscles, here are 3 tips designed for the skinny guy, that will help you to gain weight, build muscle and get the confidence you desire.
Eat More To Grow More The key of how to get bigger muscles is really in your daily diet.
As they say, "you are what you eat", and when it comes to gaining muscle, this saying has never been truer.
The reason most hardgainers struggle to gain weight and build muscle is simply a lack of sufficient calories consumed at the right times.
Aim to eat the number of calories that is 24 times your bodyweight in pounds (so if you weight 150 pounds you'll need around 150x24 = 3,600).
Split your meals into 5 or 6 per day to maintain your metabolic rate and keep your energy levels consistent.
By eating more quality calories you feed your muscles and stimulate their growth, helping you to get bigger muscles faster.
Focus On Heavy Weights and Low Volume Many skinny guys make the mistake of doing lots of reps on their weight training exercises.
This is OK for muscular endurance and conditioning, but not good if you're looking for how to get bigger muscles.
Stick to heavy weights on low volume (low numbers of reps), and always aim to make your last rep almost impossible to finish.
Choose a weight that will allow you perform no more than 6-10 reps at high intensity.
By making sure the weight is consistently heavy, you ensure that you are building bigger muscles faster, since this technique of progressive overload is proven to be the best way for skinny guys to gain muscle mass quickly.
Periodize Your Workout To Avoid Plateaus Much in the same way that a person starting a new weight loss diet will lose a few pounds the first few days and then see it trail off to virtually nothing; the person looking to get bigger muscles will often see significant gains in the early stages of a new workout program, only to see those gains fall off and start to plateau.
Breaking through these plateaus is essential if you really want to get bigger muscles and realise your potential.

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