Business & Finance Home Based Business

Why Mini Sites are Worth the Effort!

Absolutely without doubt and Proven

So what can a mini site do for you well the short answer: They can significantly increase your wealth, but if you don’t set them up right then you might as well pack your bags and go home? There is no doubt in my mind that mini sites need to be part of your overall online strategy. It’s not a new concept but needs to be looked at if you don’t already employ this resource.

Most Internet marketers understand that having mini sites is the fastest and easiest way to make money online. They don't require a lot of time, energy, or money to set up, and once you've got one up and running, you can sit back and just collect money from all the sales you're making. Sure there are a few other key points that you must implement, like great copywriting and graphics; SEO is also very important but can be dealt with appropriately.

So what kind of mini sites should I look at?

A mini site can have many guises from one or two pages (Pitch Page & Thank You Page) to half a dozen; or readymade turnkey self rotating information niche sites (bit of a mouthful) these self rotating sites are a powerful concept, and of course the famous squeeze page. All these types of mini sites can be useful depending on what you want to achieve.

Self automated mini niche sites

These are ready made mini sites that can do all the hard work for you, as long as you can upload a few files to your server and have your affiliate I.Ds at the ready, you’re good to go. You can employ software that automates the whole process; it randomly loads a different page each 24 hours so this keeps the search engines happy. To add more income streams simply input your affiliate and advertising IDs. With a little imagination and flair you can be up and running in no time.

Squeeze Pages

These are primarily for capturing emails and building up your list but can also be a reliable way to sell eBooks and software; in fact if your layout and copywriting skills are good then you can pretty much sell anything. The squeeze page would consist of a pitch page and a thank you (Download) page. If you are looking for products to promote or sell then there are numerous ideas in the marketplace. If you put a little bit of effort in you can completely overhaul and revamp the sales pitch, spruce it up and give it new life.

Automate the Delivery of your Info product

This is always an important element in your automated process; after all it’s the main reason that you started in the first place right. Unless you want to be tied to your computer, you must learn how to put your mini sites on autopilot. The only thing you should be doing is driving traffic, and letting the site itself do all the work, including the work of instantly delivering the product to the customer.

So to conclude:

Make mini sites part of your online strategy, do some research and find high performing products that are proven to give you a good ROI. Don’t be put off if you fail the first couple of times there are plenty of training resources on the web to show you how to best implement your mini sites. And there are a few more proven techniques you can use to really capture your visitors attention.

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