Over Taxed - The Socialist Leaning Folks Want More From the Wealthy for Themselves
Have you ever considered why the less-than-wealthy want the rich to pay more taxes? It's simple really, it is because they are greedy, and they want more, but they don't want to work any hard for it.
Should we thus, tell the poor the truth, and tell them they are greedy and hold up a mirror in front of them? Oh, perhaps we might do that, but really isn't it just human nature to do less and get more? Sure it is.
But if it is, then why attack a minority group (the 1% people) for thinking like that? Okay so let's talk.
An interesting article appeared in Physorg (dot) com published on April 12, 2013 titled; "What do tax policy experts think about US tax policy?" which stated; "Large majorities of tax policy experts in the U.
favor a graduated personal income tax, taxing long-term capital gains as ordinary income, a net income tax on corporations and extending the retail sales tax to services.
" Now then, I have something to say, namely how unfair this study was, and this finding in the survey is interesting; "88 percent say there should be a "graduated" personal /individual income tax (a tax structure with marginal tax rates that rise with income).
In a separate question, only 17 percent favor a "flat-rate" structure (single marginal tax rate over an exemption level of income," is really problematic.
I mean sure the 12% left paying the higher rate were out voted by the greedy steal from the rich give to them socialists - what crap.
If those of less means all vote against the minority group, the 1% people, then basically they are voting for the government to steal for them, on their behalf, as a proxy thief, where is the honor in that? I thought our nation stood for liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness.
If someone makes it to the good life and we immediately decide to steal their earned monies, then what does that say about us as being a fair and just society? Further, even if politicians continually do surveys to gauge which way the thoughts of the people are trending, it doesn't mean they should be trampling the constitution and going after a minority group, in this case the 1%.
See that point? Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it because at some point we need to stop and contemplate what fairness really means.
Should we thus, tell the poor the truth, and tell them they are greedy and hold up a mirror in front of them? Oh, perhaps we might do that, but really isn't it just human nature to do less and get more? Sure it is.
But if it is, then why attack a minority group (the 1% people) for thinking like that? Okay so let's talk.
An interesting article appeared in Physorg (dot) com published on April 12, 2013 titled; "What do tax policy experts think about US tax policy?" which stated; "Large majorities of tax policy experts in the U.
favor a graduated personal income tax, taxing long-term capital gains as ordinary income, a net income tax on corporations and extending the retail sales tax to services.
" Now then, I have something to say, namely how unfair this study was, and this finding in the survey is interesting; "88 percent say there should be a "graduated" personal /individual income tax (a tax structure with marginal tax rates that rise with income).
In a separate question, only 17 percent favor a "flat-rate" structure (single marginal tax rate over an exemption level of income," is really problematic.
I mean sure the 12% left paying the higher rate were out voted by the greedy steal from the rich give to them socialists - what crap.
If those of less means all vote against the minority group, the 1% people, then basically they are voting for the government to steal for them, on their behalf, as a proxy thief, where is the honor in that? I thought our nation stood for liberty, justice, and the pursuit of happiness.
If someone makes it to the good life and we immediately decide to steal their earned monies, then what does that say about us as being a fair and just society? Further, even if politicians continually do surveys to gauge which way the thoughts of the people are trending, it doesn't mean they should be trampling the constitution and going after a minority group, in this case the 1%.
See that point? Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it because at some point we need to stop and contemplate what fairness really means.