Technology Electronics

The Advantages of Wireless in TV


    • Though not yet commonplace in American households, wireless television is ideal because of its convenience and ease of setup. Instead of having to situate your television next to a cable outlet in your wall, the wireless technology allows you to watch television from virtually anywhere you choose. In some ways, this is similar to using a laptop computer in a home with a wireless network. Instead of being confined to one specific area, you can move as you please.

    Remote Controls

    • Many people use their remote controls for hours each day without thinking of the freedom and convenience the device affords them. A remote control employs wireless technology that allows you to change the channels on your television, plus several other functions, without having to leave the comfort of your couch. Prior to the invention of remote controls, TV watchers would have to walk to their television sets each time they wished to change the channel or volume.


    • When you set up a surround-sound system with your television, you're forced to deal with hiding several additional wires. This task is especially difficult with the system's rear speakers, which you place behind you. Running the wires across your TV room can be difficult, but wireless speakers are an easy solution to this problem. Wireless speakers are advantageous because they do not require wires. You can set them wherever you wish instead of having to place them where their wire lengths dictate.

    Apple Products

    • A revolution in the world of wireless television is the Apple TV, an attachment that connects to the television in your home. Through wireless technology, the Apple TV links with your Apple devices, such as an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, allowing you to view these devices' multimedia libraries over your television. If you have a movie downloaded to your iPad, for example, you can play it on your television without having to physically connect the iPad to the TV. The chief advantage of this wireless technology is its convenience and versatility.

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