Society & Culture & Entertainment Music

Popular Jazz Songs

Jazz music has been on the music scenes since the turn of the 20th century.
It amazingly survived its crucial years, the first years, when racial discrimination against Black American was at its peak.
Jazz music came into light through the musical intelligence of Black Americans.
It is no wonder that many of the most popular jazz songs are composed and sung by Black Americans who are famous themselves in the field of music.
The most popular songs of this kind are great songs of all time.
They live great impressions on their listeners not only because they belong to jazz genre, but because their melodies and lyrics can touch the hearts of many people.
It is a source of wonder that many popular jazz songs are Christmas songs which are official soundtracks of popular Hollywood movies.
Some have observed that the popularity of the movies contributed to the popularity of the songs.
However, some have contested this by saying that the popularity of these songs contributed to the success of the movies.
Whatever the contention many people hold, some of these songs are constantly played worldwide for reasons that vary from person to person.
Read on to find out the most popular jazz songs.
•White Christmas This song is at the top spot and is considered the most popular jazz songs to date.
It is sung by Bing Crosby and was used as official soundtrack of a popular movie entitled St.
Holiday Inn.
•A Holly Jolly Christmas This is originally sung by Cast and was featured as original soundtrack of the film, St.
Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer.
•What A wonderful World This constantly played jazz song in many ad campaigns is originally sung by Louis Armstrong, one of the pioneers of jazz music.
•Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer This is standard jazz song that is constantly played in many parts of the world when Christmas season comes.
•A Year Ago This popular jazz song is originally sung by Kenny G.
•Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas This hit Christmas still tops on many radios during Yuletide season.
•Away In A Manger Kenny G tops the billboard for popular songs list for a long time now with this Christmas carol as well as A Year Ago.
•Baby It's Cold Outside This standard jazz song is much popularized in the movie St.
Neptune's Daughter.
•Jingle Bells No one can ever refute the popularity of this song because even little kids from all parts of the world can hum this song.
•New York, New York Frank Sinatra is not only popular for his My Way.
This jazz song makes it to the top ten constantly although there are time when it drops to places in the list of top 20.

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