Home & Garden Do It Yourself

Wind Powered Generators

Before we talk in detail about wind powered generators, let we know a little bit about what is need of these generators and wind energy over existing system for producing electricity. Everybody knows that electricity is one of the basic needs for survival and in our current system; more than 80% electricity is generated through burning of fossil fuels. Very soon these fossil fuels will depleted and we have to find alternatives for producing energy also burning fossil fuels emits harmful gases in environment and shares a big amount in global warming. In near future: wind energy maybe an alternative for producing cheap, clean and environment friendly electricity.

Generating electricity from wind is a renewable, cheap and clean and environment friendly idea. To generate electricity from wind we need wind powered generators. A generator is an electrical machine which transforms kinetic energy into electrical energy. An electric generator needs a "prime mover" in order to operate and produce electricity. In wind power electricity generator wind plays the role of "prime mover" and helps in generating electricity. The first wind powered electricity generator was setup in late 1970's and from that day the era in wind electricity begins.

Before placing wind powered generators, we have to take care, that wind turbines can only place in those which have strong winds more than 10 months. Coastal areas and beaches are ideal for placing wind power electricity plants. In these areas, wind flows from ocean side in day time and from coast areas in night. If you live somewhere that is relatively calm and does not get much wind such as living with large trees surrounding your home, then you might want to consider a different type of energy system.

Placing wind powered generators is one time investment and their maintenance cost is really very low. Before investing in this kind of system, you must ensure that you will benefit enough to justify the time and costs involved. If you happen to live in a windy area, then home wind power could definitely be a wise investment.

If you do decide to buy a kit, they can be purchased for around $200 and if conditions are right you can reduce your energy bill by up to 80%. I am sure you will agree that this is a significant amount. We all should be concerned about the state of the planet at the current time and climate change is an extremely important issue that the entire world is facing.

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