Business & Finance Finance

From Debt To Financial Prosperity

In this consumer based society we live in we are spoilt for choice in terms of the consumables we are offered.
Regardless if we actually need these products or not billions is spent in the media to convince us that we do.
The vast majority of the population do not live within their means.
The increasing availability of credit is one factor that is blamed for the increasing amount of personal debt in western society.
On the surface it seems that the availability of credit has plunged many into huge amounts of debt that they will spend the rest of their life paying off but this same weapon called credit it used by savvy investors to create a life of luxury and prosperity in which they can afford the finer things in life.
So what is the major difference in how successful investors and the average consumer use credit? Well the major difference is smart investors use credit to leverage their investment exposure.
This simply means they borrow to invest.
Smart investors do not take on credit if in the long run it will not lead to an increase in income and a positive cash flow.
The average consumer on the other hand spends thousands on new cars that depreciate rapidly, holidays they can't afford, large plasma TV's, designer clothes, and houses they can't afford to live in.
Ironically some smart investors do like the life of luxury but they almost always certainly live within their means.
The message is quite simple if you must live a life of luxury never borrow money to do so invariably you will end up spending years to pay off huge debts.
These crippling debts often lead to stress, depression and in allot of cases divorce.
Millions of people worldwide live in the bondage of debilitating debts and the only reprieve they are offered is more debt over a longer time period to ease their current debt repayments aka debt consolidation .
Extreme caution is advised if you choose debt consolidation as an exit from a life of debt.
So how can one make the transition from debt to prosperity 1: Evaluate your Cash Flow Determine how much money you have coming in each month and how much money is being paid out in debts, expenses and other liabilities.
Start with your expenses and get rid of monthly outgoings that are not necessary.
This is foregoing temporarily certain amenities for a permanent solution to debt.
Club memberships and other things that are not necessary can be cancelled.
Once you have trimmed down your monthly outgoings by 100-200 pounds / dollars save the extra money or spend it on repaying debts off quicker.
2: Avoid paying Interest only Interest only loans may seem cheap in terms of monthly repayments but in the long term the overall amount you repay can sometimes be as much as 50-150% of the original loan.
3: Live within your means This is quite simple forget what you have been brainwashed to believe, you don't have to drive a new car or have the finer things in life at the expense ofpersonal debt.
Buy only what you can afford to pay for in cash.
By forming the habit of only paying cash you are forced to purchase only the things that you can afford.
4: Pay of Loans early Paying debts of quickly means you end up paying less in the long run.
Think about it why are banks so happy for you to pay less monthly? 5: Consult a financial planner Sit down with a financial planner and draw a road map to get you out of debt.
Taking any of the above steps will free up a few extra hundreds a month.
Now that we have a bit of free money you must start to invest if you don't want to retire poor.
Remember regardless of what you have stored for your retirement cash based assets have continued to devalue over the last hundred years and even further back.
This simply means 1 million 10 years ago had more buying power that it does today and its only reasonable to assume 1 million today will not have the same buying power in the next 10 years.
Drastic steps must be taken to secure your future otherwise you may retire with the nasty shock that you simply can't afford to retire.
The key is investing your money (yours and the banks) and getting it to work as hard as possible.
Once your outgoings are reduced and you live within your means you should now be looking to supplement your income with investments and / or small business.
This time you use your old adversary called credit and turn him into an ally.
By using financial leverage you are simply speeding up the transition.
But before you even think of investing a dime invest in your financial education by buying books on success, prosperity, financial planning and budgeting.
Once you have gained better insight into the financial world seek financial advice.
Some of the things you can invest in include buy to let properties, franchises, small home based business just to name a few.
But most new investors start of with real estate.
But be smart real estate is all about timing and pricing so if you do start of by acquiring real estate make sure you no what your doing and the timing is right.
In summary cut your outgoings, pay loans of early, live within your means and used credit as a tool to increase your investment income and not for personal extravagance.
Good luck and hopefully you join me and make that transition form debt to financial prosperity.

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