Business & Finance Taxes

Salary Ranges for Business Systems Analyst

    Overall Average

    • According to PayScale, the average salary for a business systems analyst as of December 2010 was $51,101 to $78,341, including bonuses and profit sharing. The most popular industry for this type of worker is information technology (IT) services, with a salary range of $51,494 to $74,808, followed by insurance and financial services, which ranges between $50,000 and $73,000 annually.


    • As a business systems analyst gains experience, he can expect an increased salary range. The range for a worker with less than one year's experience is $40,907 to $55,329, while a worker with five to nine years of experience earns between $54,942 and $77,270. A business systems analyst with over 20 years in the field enjoys a salary range of $65,547 to $91,159.

    Employer Type

    • Business systems analysts are employed by different types of employers in different industries, each of which have their own salary ranges. For example, one who works for a company or private practice has a salary range of $49,000 to $76,000, while nonprofits pay less at $48,132 to $69,131. Many systems analysts work on a contract basis and see a salary range of $55,095 to $84,014. The government also employs systems analysts, with salaries ranging up to $65,248 for local and state government and up to $85,263 for the federal government.


    • Because most organizations base salaries on cost of living, the area in which a business systems analyst is employed also has a bearing on salary range. California is the highest paying state for this job, according to PayScale, with a range of $60,286 to $88,853. Massachusetts is second with a range of $55,213 to $78,906, and New York is close behind at $51,181 to $77,700.

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