Engaging Activity for an Adult Christian Conference
- A human knot is a good way to get conference members to work together for a common goal. Each team stands in a circle with hands outstretched in the circle. Team members grab hands randomly with other people on their team. Then they must untangle themselves without letting go of each other's hands. The first team to untangle themselves wins.
- Scavenger hunts are a fun way for people to get to know each other. In a biblical scavenger hunt, teams are given a list of clues. Each clue gives a location and a Bible verse. Each location has more than one item, and the Bible verse that goes with the location tells the team which item is needed for the scavenger hunt. The first team to return with all the correct items wins.
- Trivia games are a good way to incorporate what's being taught at a conference into a game setting. You can design a trivia game based on specific conference topics or speakers, or use general Bible and church trivia for the questions. Trivia games have a lot of flexibility for conferences. For example, players can be divided into teams or compete individually. To answer, players can ring in or write down their answers and give them to a judge.
- "I've Never" is a useful icebreaker game for conferences and can be used for large or small groups. The players sit in chairs in a circle with one person standing in the middle of the circle. The person in the middle tells of something she has never done. Anyone who has done that stands and moves to a different seat, and the person in the middle takes a seat. This will leave someone new in the middle to take the next turn. The game can continue as long as you wish.