"Getting to Know You" Activities in Kindergarten
- This simple getting-to-know-you game starts with the children and the teacher forming a circle. Throw a soft ball to a child, and as soon as it's caught, the entire class shouts the child's name. The child then pitches the ball to another classmate, and the process repeats until everyone has caught the ball. Children tend to catch on quickly, so the game usually can be successful within 10 to 15 minutes.
- This game is about cooperation and teamwork. Scatter construction paper of different colors all around the classroom. Ask the children to help you collect the sheets and stack them according to color. Although the activity may seem pointless, other than providing an opportunity for color learning, it stimulates conversation between pupils.
- The idea of this simple game is to incorporate one's personality and character into an animal. Tell the pupils her name, what animal you would be if you could, and the reason you chose that animal. For example, if you chose to be a rabbit, you may say that it's because you get up in the morning as fast as you can.
Give the children time to think about what animal they would be. Form the class into a circle, and the pupil on the your left starts out. As soon as he's done, "reintroduce" the child to the class, repeating the information he just said. Then the next child takes his turn. "Reintroduce" each child in turn. - Before class, prepare clue sheets with fill-in-the-blank statements such as "My favorite color is _____." Each pupil then gets a clue sheet and is given time to complete the statement. Once all children complete their clue sheets, collect them, shuffle them and give one to each pupil. Challenge the children to guess who owns the clue sheet by moving around the room and interviewing each classmate until they eventually find the owner.