Business & Finance Electronic Commerce

How to Increase Your Website Traffic - 2 Things You Might Be Doing That Are Holding You Back

When it comes to getting more visitors to your site you have to realize that sometimes you have to stop doing the wrong things so you can focus on doing the right things to get more visitors.
In this article I want to show you 2 things that you might be doing that are holding you back from getting more visitors to your site.
First - Focusing on a source that is not giving you the right quality levels of traffic.
You have to realize that if you are getting visitors to your site using the wrong traffic source you are not going to make more money! The bottom line is that not every source in your niche market is going to give you the same traffic quality levels and you have to make sure you know this.
Once you stop spending your time on the wrong sources you can then focus your energy and money on using the right ones to get the right visitors to your site who will buy from you.
Second - Focusing on getting free traffic to your site when you are starting out! The reason that doing this is a bad idea is because you are doing manual labor to get visitors to your site.
You have to realize that when you focus on free sources in your niche you are the one who has to get the visitors to come to your site.
So if you stop working, the traffic will stop coming and you won't make any money! So make sure you stop this and focus on paid sources in your niche.

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