Health & Medical Acne

Holistic Cure For Acne

Acne Cures: Is there a Natural Acne Cure that Works? When I was 12 years old I was really embarrassed by my spots and went to the doctor for some help.
Looking back I didn't' have a really severe case of acne at all.
But to me it was the end of the world!! I was so self-conscious anyway, that this just seemed to make everything worse.
I thought that if I could just get rid of my spots, everything would be OK.
My doctor prescribed antibiotics for me, and I took them for the next 2 years.
I still had some spots, but it didn't develop into the severe acne I feared.
I was also vigilant about cleaning my skin as I felt the spots came from the dirt outside, so I applied whatever new product I could find to my skin.
At the time I was really grateful to my doctor and I thought he was offering me a great solution.
He never mentioned anything about diet or other things I could do to help to clear the acne natural.
It was only years later when I began to suffer from some health problems and then trained in holistic medicine that I realized the harm I had done to myself by taking antibiotics for two years.
I had Candida, chronic constipation, allergies to antibiotics and low energy, which had all been triggered by the anti-biotics and took a long time to clear.
As I studied more I learnt that rather than being something that was "done" to me from the outside dirt, infection etc, the cause for me acne lay within me.
It was my internal system that was out of balance, and that was where I could have cured myself of the acne, rather than looking for something to take it away.
If I had been told to make a few simple changes to my diet and to shown how to detoxify my system, I could have really improved my health.
Instead, I poured more toxins into my body and onto my skin, stretching my already stressed internal systems even further and causing more and more health problems for myself.
The first thing you can start to do is to drink more pure water - nothing added.
I always keep a bottle by my side and keep sipping.
I fill it up from the filter and find it easy to drink at least 3 litres a day this way.

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