Health & Medical sports & Exercise

How to Put Peep Sights on a Bow

    • 1). Loosen the weight lock bolts about five to seven turns before placing the bow into the bow press.

    • 2). Insert the bow into a double-pull bow press to remove the tension on the bow string. A double-pull bow press only presses the limbs.

    • 3). Install the peep sight by placing the bow string in the grooves of the peep sight. The peep sight should be about six inches above the nocking point.

    • 4). Nock an arrow to the bow string.

    • 5). Draw the bow with your eyes closed and come to a comfortable anchor point.

    • 6). Open your eyes and attempt to look through the peep sight and bow sight. Avoid making any changes to your anchor point.

    • 7). Let down from full draw and adjust the peep sight up or down accordingly.

    • 8). Draw the bow again with your eyes closed and attempt to look through the adjusted peep sight. Repeat this process of drawing, looking through the peep sight and adjusting the position until you can look through the peep sight into the bow sight.

    • 9). Tie the peep sight into position using serving material or dental floss.

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