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Grant Writing - Compelling Ideas Attract Funding

Grant funding sources like Foundations, Corporations, Government Agencies and even Individual donors prefer projects that are:
  1. Original,
  2. Solutions to Problems,
  3. Timely,
  4. Compelling,
  5. High Impact,
  6. Sustainable,
  7. Replicable, or
  8. Green.
To increase your chances of getting funding, make sure your proposal touches on one or more of these proven ways to attract funders.
In this article, you will learn how to make your proposal more compelling.
Compelling ideas attract funders.
The most compelling ideas are the ones that influence the reviewers and leave a lasting impression.
They hold the attention of the reader like a compelling movie about human relations keeps the audience glued to their seats.
They move us emotionally and necessitate action.
Here are 3 aspects of compelling ideas:
  1. Compelling Ideas Hold People's Attention - Have you ever watch a compelling movie about human relationships that engaged you right from the start and kept you interested for the entire 2 hours? One of these movies for me was Dances with Wolves.
    From the beginning, I found myself leaning forward.
    I didn't sit back until the lights came on over 3 hours later, and I had to leave.
  2. Likewise if your idea is compelling it will hold the reader's attention right from the start.
    Start with a creative, descriptive title (I like acronyms), like Project R.
    (Raising Income through Career Opportunities) or the W.
    Project (Welcoming Immigrants to Nevada).
    Then, weave a common thread throughout the entire proposal.
    For me, the thread is 1-2 specific outcomes that align with the funder's interests, like using "increase" or "decrease.
    " For example, a common thread could be "to increase graduation rates" or "to decrease recidivism.
    " This point becomes the central selling proposition that matches the funder's idea of what they like to fund.
  3. Compelling Ideas Move Us Emotionally - The Make a Wish Foundation has a compelling idea.
    What can be more rewarding than fulfilling wishes of a dying child.
    You can't help but be moved.
    When we're moved, we open our wallets and purses.
  4. Compelling Ideas Necessitate Action - I wrote my first grant for $125,000 to educate 250 newly legalized immigrants.
    I wanted to ask for more, but my boss said it would be better to start small, conservatively.
    This didn't last long.
    In the first week of registration over 550 people showed up on our door steps.
I got this great idea.
What if we served all 550 people with the money we were allocated.
Everyone would get served, but we would run out of money in less than half the time...
in this case, 6 months.
I knew this would force some sort of action.
We'd have to close our doors - and here's the crux - unless we received more money.
With this idea in mind, I approached the State Department of Education.
It didn't take much convincing to get them to take the appropriate steps to secure more funding.
Nothing sells better than success.
Under-promise and over-deliver.
When you're idea is compelling, it compels funders to take action.
Everyone wants to be on the side of a winner! Make your ideas forceful (but not overbearing), convincing, persuasive, undeniable, gripping...
and watch what happens.

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