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How to Successfully Plant Grass Seed

    • 1). Loosen the top 2 to 3 inches of soil in the lawn if you are replacing the whole lawn with fresh grass seed. Break all clumps of dirt larger than a half dollar. For lawns where you are just reseeding patches, only loosen one-fourth of an inch of the top soil. According to Lebanon Seaboard Corporation, you should only loosen soil in the patch you are reseeding.

    • 2). Remove all remaining debris, such as sticks and dead grass, from the area whether you are completely reseeding your yard or repairing a patch. Use a rake to help remove debris.

    • 3). Level out any areas you suspect may collect puddles. Reseeding is the perfect opportunity to help repair those annoying dips that collect water after every rainy day. Rake over extra soil from another part of the lawn to the dip to help fill it in.

    • 4). Spread seeds over the lawn. You can spread seed in small areas by hand, but you may need mechanical assistance for larger areas. Seed spreaders are tools made for large jobs like this. The machines come in carrying size or push along tools that resemble wheelbarrows. Seed spreaders disperse seeds at a steady rate as you move them around the lawn. Cover your new seeds with one-fourth of an inch of soil.

    • 5). Water your lawn at least once a day for the first few weeks. Do not saturate the soil; just moisten the soil through careful watering.

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