Health & Medical Mental Health

Child Care, ADHD - The Difficult Child

As a mom, a Substitute Teacher, and a Nanny, working with a wide variety of behaviors in children, I have been blessed with patience in dealing with children in need of special attention.
I can remember taking care of and being quite fond of the troublesome kids for as long as I can remember.
Often I would simply take the child out of the classroom when he/she acted up and instead of taking them to the office as the Teacher often thought I was doing, I would simply talk to the child and find out why he/she was acting up.
Often I found that the problem was rarely with whom ever they were fighting with.
In fact it most often had to do with something that had happened at home, and then whatever interaction that happened in school had only added to the frustration they were already experiencing.
I found that just getting them out of the room and situation it helped ease their anxiety and by allowing them to talk about what was truly going on with them, it helped them feel better, and usually they went back to class without seeing the Principal, or being further disciplined.
Kids are people too, and even though they may not express themselves they way we adults do, they still feel, hurt, and experience a lot more than we think they do.
Some just need a little more attention than others.
Perhaps maybe they aren't getting enough of it at home.
I mean let's face it, our society has taken both parents out of the home, and into the working field, which means they have less time for their kids and each other too.
Family life isn't like it used to be because we are all too busy and too tired to take the time to simply BE WITH OUR CHILDREN, the ones we so desperately wanted after getting married.
Instead they take a back seat to all of our other things we put in front of them.
Whether it's work, watching T.
or an outing without them, we all have put things in front of our time with them.
And I am willing to bet that if we'd all try to put them first instead of all those other things that supposeofly bring us joy, we'd have less children being placed on the wonder drugs for ADHD.
There is no Perfect child, and no pill could ever make your child the perfect child.
ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder...
what they should tell paents is to forget the drugs and pay ATTENTION to your child for one, and if they truly are Hyper than Run with them, chase them around the yard, or go biking with them.
Do something other than sit on the couch and watch the boring old news that can only depress you anyway.
Put their energy to good use and you might be able to stay healthy while you're playing with your kids while your at it...
Bottom line...
they are only young and want our attention for a very short time, before they grow up and want nothing more to do with us..
make the most of their young lives, while you can, because by keeping them in the back burner, they will grow up not wanting you around.

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